email snippet of the day

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email snippet of the day

Post by AKR »

I got an offer for some 96 Beychevelle for $175/per.

I remember when that was released it was $30?

We had a guy in our group back then (WineKop) who used to instruct neophytes 'don't be bring no f'ing Beychevlle' to the confabs. He thought it was soft, early drinking wine, and disliked it. (I was censured for a 90 Pensees de Lafleur once, since 2nd wines were for 2nd rate people)

Apocryphal story - back in the dark ages, the Admiral who owned the estate used to demand ships passing by dip their sails as they went by the estate. Some sailors used to dip their pants, mooning the Duchess. Some how that ended up turning into the name, as some convolution of 'lower the sails' in medieval Froggy gets contorted into its modern name.

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