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Happy London BWE gathering

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:45 pm
by Jay Winton
I wish we could be there but will live vicariously so plenty of TNs and piks please!

Re: Happy London BWE gathering

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 2:27 pm
by marcs
Yes! Wishing you guys the best! I am torn between the desire to live vicariously and the envy I expect to feel seeing the great time you all are having LOL

Re: Happy London BWE gathering

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 3:35 pm
Safe travels all. Menus look awesome. Echo the pic and notes request. Wishing we could be there as well. I'm expecting a Howard Cosell-like, round by round description on the "Thunder in London" match.

Clay comes out to meet Liston
and Liston starts to retreat,
if Liston goes back an inch farther
he'll end up in a ringside seat.
Clay swings with his left,
Clay swings with his right,
Look at young Cassius
carry the fight
Liston keeps backing, but there's not enough room,
It's a matter of time till Clay lowers the boom.
Now Clay lands with a right,
What a beautiful swing,
and the punch raises the Bear
clean out of the ring.
Liston is still rising and the ref wears a frown,
For he can't start counting
till Sonny goes down.
Now Liston is disappearing from view,
The crowd is going frantic,
But radar stations have picked him up,
Somewhere over the Atlantic.
Who would have thought
when they came to the fight?
That they'd witness the launching
of a human satellite.
Yes the crowd did not dream,
when they put up the money,
That they would see
a total eclipse of the Sonny.

Prediction: 2019 Lynch Bages split decision in a thriller....

Re: Happy London BWE gathering

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:44 pm
by stefan
Have a great time in London, guys and gals. Lucie and I are so sorry that we were unable to join you.