Some weekend wines

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Some weekend wines

Post by AKR »

2000 Fombrauge [St Emilion] This is a Bernard Magrez wine IIRC, and despite all that may imply, was only 13.5% abv and pretty well balanced. It was decanted, for aeration and a bit of sediment, and was a good mature example of the AOC. It didn't seem to show the fruit depth some other properties have demonstrated, but pretty good all around.

2003 Leoville Poyferre [St Julien] This was also decanted, and for my tastes, was deeper/richer than the right bank wine. The vintage has grown controversial over the time, as in bottle development has been inconsistent, but I was very impressed with this. It has been a very long time since I had one - a prior example was corked - so I didn't have a sense of how this should be. But I thought it was great.

2007 Sigalas Rabaud [Sauternes] This has turned a fine golden hue, with a touch of caramel color. The nose and palate are full of cooked apricot, peach. Full bodied, lush, but easy to drink a second glass with a fruit dessert. It sneaks up on the taster, to enjoy while lingering. For a long time the Sigalas complex of wines were not marketed through normal trade channels, and between their small vineyard size, and that commercial aspect, one didn't see them much, especially in the US.
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Re: Some weekend wines

Post by stefan »

Some bottles we drank of 2003 Leoville Poyferre were very good; others not so much in recent years. The less good ones are disjointed and have too much stewed fruit. All of mine were bought on release and stored at 63-65F. Probably I should have moved mine to colder storage when they became teen agers.

stefanJr and I can easily finish a bottle of 2007 Sigalas Rabaud after dinner with little participation from others. As you say, it is a very easy drinking Sauternes.
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Re: Some weekend wines

Post by hautbrionlover »

I’ve had only excellent experiences with my ‘03 Leoville Poyferre, but I haven’t had one in a few years, so you’ve motivated me to open another soon!
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