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A Wonderful Year of Wines and Friends

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:01 pm
by JoelD
2023 has easily been the best wine drinking year of my life. Exponentially. A lot of that has been due to friends that I've met on BWE or through BWE members. I even went on a 9-10 week stretch in the late spring of having at least one tasting with a BWEer every week, if not more.

As great as my wine tastings and lovely chats with new and old friends have been, I have been extremely slacking in the writeup department. I'm finally just starting to get caught up with removing wines that I've drunk from inventory and doing my CT notes (only on the bottles I've opened from my cellar)

This has always been one of the hardest things for me in my passion for wine. I'm a very interactive talker so you might see me respond to posts a lot more than creating new ones. I also much prefer to talk in person, text or email about wine adventures. I'm not sure exactly, maybe I try to be too perfect with my notes and write-ups. Maybe it's also because I have no formal training and a lot less years under the belt of writing and talking about wine. You may notice that my notes generally have very few specific tasting notes and are more descriptors of the overview of the wine and comparing to others.

I really tip my hat to the folks on this board that are much better at posting engaging notes than I am. Maybe I will get better one day. Maybe I just need practice. Or maybe I just need to stop caring about how perfect they are.

With that said, I still want to go back and make some write-ups for many tastings this year. I'm curious what options on this poll that people would prefer for these as I'm sure the posts would be quite interesting to many on here and some might not be at all.

Re: A Wonderful Year of Wines and Friends

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:40 pm
by DavidG
Looking forward to your impressions Joel!

Re: A Wonderful Year of Wines and Friends

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 11:20 pm
by Nicklasss
Looking forward to read that.