Bordeaux négociants in a tizzy

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Bordeaux négociants in a tizzy

Post by AlexR »


This is not a golden age for Bordeaux wine.

They've started uprooting 10,000 hectares of vines because of overproduction, and that is certainly not enough.

Wine consumption in France has declined markedly, especially that of red wine.
Young people, in particular, are drinking less and drinking other things.
The market is not moving.
(of course, I'm talking about Bordeaux as a whole here, not the great growths).

On top of this, a court ruling of 2 days ago has set the cat amongst the pigeons. ... low-prices

In essence, a winegrower in the Médoc sold to two major négociants and then came back and said, that price is too low, less than it costs me to produce it. You shouldn't have bought it, so I'm suing you!
And, the guy actually won.
Hard te believe, isn't it?
This is made possible by a new law that protects farmers.
The powers-that-be in Bordeaux didn't seem to be aware that it applies to wine.

They were wrong.

This has taken place in the context of major discontent among the farming population resuliting in roadblocks, tons of pig shit dumped in front of government buildings,interception and destruction of foreign fruits and vegetables, etc.

Like I said, not a good time.

Alex R.
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Re: Bordeaux négociants in a tizzy

Post by JimHow »

Sigh, two of my passions -- criminal law and French wine -- seem to be harbingers of bigger end-of-time problems on the horizon.
Our criminal court system is literally falling into banana republic status. I had an experience trial judge agreeing with me this week, he referred to it as "third world." I'm trying to get my friend to go to Paris in March for a few days.
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