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Controversy in new Wine Spectator

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:44 pm
by Claret
I just looked at the new issue of the Speculator and on page 34 Kim Marcus states "Some weak Bordeaux vintages, 2002 for example, should have been almost totally declassified, and from them few grands vins made." Hmmm.

The changing of the guard in the Bordeaux reviews has begun. James Molesworth and Tom Matthews have started to release reviews on 2008 lower to mid tier wines and the scores are not impressive. For example Sociando Mallet got 88 points.

I like Bruce Sanderson's viewpoint on Germans. In this issue Kim Marcus did the majority of the reviews. I wonder if Kim thnks 2004 Germans are a weak vintage?

Re: Controversy in new Wine Spectator

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:53 pm
by JimHow
It's not really controversial Glenn, you have to remember that whatever the American wine sponsor driven Wine Spectator says, the opposite is true. Thus, if they say 2002 is very bad, that means it is very good.

So Thomas Matthews is doing Bordeaux reviews, eh?

Last time I looked (many years ago), he was the number two guy to Marvin. A real lightweight. He was the guy who wrote that scathing email to me back when Jimmy Suckling was calling me "vicious".

Re: Controversy in new Wine Spectator

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:00 pm
by DavidG
I haven't been as impressed with the few '02s I've had as Jim has, but "almost totally declassified" is fightin' words.

When are we going to see the trial of BWE vs WS? Now that your book is done, Jim, maybe it's time to work on another episode featuring famed philanthropist (or was that philanderer?) and celebrity attorney Jimmy LB How. LB needs a sidelkick, I think: Maybe a PI that goes by "Corky" or a pair of hounds named Right Bank and Left Bank...

Re: Controversy in new Wine Spectator

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:17 pm
by Claret
OK Jim, now I get it.

Did it really take you a full 9 minutes to respond? Must be a busy day in Maine.

Re: Controversy in new Wine Spectator

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:35 pm
by JimHow
Oh don't get me wrong, David, Parker whores are not going to like the 2002s. The 2002 vintage is for us lovers of the classic, claret style, the tried and true formula for centuries in Bordeaux. It is not for the big alcohol Parker crowd.

Indeed, my novel is undergoing final edits as I write this, the project will be completed this week. I have a lot of projects in the fire right now but I do have some BWE stories in the works.

I'm sleeping this weekend for three days, Claret, I'm tired, I think the winter is dragging on a little too long. Need to go someplace warm for a few days.

Re: Controversy in new Wine Spectator

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:05 am
by DavidG
Seriously, Jim, your creative talents need to be continuously expressed. We need another exorcism, another courtroom drama. Maybe another trip to Baja to escape the prolonged Maine winter and a little time to start a new story.

I like the '02 Bordeaux pretty well, just not "best since 2000" well. So did Parker, who (ignoring the absurdity of rating vintages as opposed to specific wines) rated the various communes 85-88 points, in the very good to excellent range. If that makes me a Parker whore, I can live with that. Anyway, RP is a lot closer to your evaluation of the vintage than Kim Marcus, who seems to be saying a huge chunk of the vintage should have been declassified.

Re: Controversy in new Wine Spectator

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:26 am
by JimHow
When I speak of 2002, of course, I'm talking about 2002L. 2002R is probably bad. I had a 2002 Bellevue a few months back that was undrinkable.

And as for Parker's 85-88 ratings... well, of course, then again, he rated some of Hardy's wines even higher....

Re: Controversy in new Wine Spectator

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:21 am
by alchemeus
Never tried any top end Bordeaux after say, 2001. But did have several 2002 unclassifieds. At $12-$15 blew away the competition, though several local wineries started producing good wines at the $15 range. Better than any equivalent priced wine from Cal though. Haven't tried an Oz in years. Cousino Macul Antigua usually is good from Chile in that price range, though a bit higher now. (Chile, right? )