2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

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2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by JimHow »

So I got up at about 5:30 a.m. this morning, did my morning running, got in the office at 7:30 a.m., later than usual because I had to drop off my dry cleaning. I was in Superior Court by 8:15 and disposed of four probation violation cases: A woman who had failed a couple piss tests (5 days in jail), a full revocation for a guy charged with his fourth probation violation (one year, but we got some district court charges dismissed), a very difficult client who beat up his wife, a third probation violation, but she didn't want to press charges against him, so I got time served, and another very difficult client, a suicidal client who has violated his probation for a fourth time by blowing a .14 after a domestic dispute, 120 days in jail and he was very lucky it wasn't more. By now it was pushing 11 a.m. and I had to rush back to the office to meet with a guy facing 2-3 years in state prison at his sentencing hearing on Monday on felony drug charges, and a new client at 11:30 who brought in a retainer for a case on this month's trial list in which he is facing 5 felonies and 1 misdemeanor, I met with him for about 45 minutes til about 12:15, where I checked my emails and BWE before rushing over to district court to handle 9 bail hearings for clients in jail charged with various crimes ranging from burglary to OUI to domestic assault, a couple guys from NYC on fugitive charges, got out at about 3, went to the corner store to buy some "Dots" gummy candies for lunch and went to the bank, drafted a quick DMV license suspension appeal that was due by tomorrow before starting my meeting with my 4pm client, she is from Burma and speaks very little English and has an interim hearing on temporary custody and child support tomorrow morning at 10 am, then finally I met with a new client at 4:45 who brought in a retainer for a protection from abuse/ divorce modification case scheduled for next week. Got out of the office at about 6pm, called a 90 year old man from the road on my cell phone who a TV reporter had referred to me for pro bono help who had been scammed out of his last $3,000, we're going to go after the bastard who did this to him, now I'm getting a sugar headache from the gummy candy, I ate almost the whole extra-large box, like the ones you see in movie theaters, whereupon I came home and dinner was being served and I uncorked a 2006 Jadot Chambolle-Musigny, which has been a pleasant surprise, quite well balanced, 13.5%, much better, obviously, than the '06 Jadot Pommard I had last week, very smooth and balanced in the mouth, now I am ready for a breakdown.

And it all starts back up tomorrow morning with three judicial conferences in felony cases at 8:30, the aforementioned 10am interim hearing, etc., etc.... And this is "semi-retirement"!
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Re: 2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by stefan »

No wonder you want to retire full time, Jim.

But it could be worse. Suppose you had to defend cigarette companies? Or, worse, the Grace &*%&*&&?

Due to the stock market disaster, I probably will never retire. Fortunately for me, I have the best job in the world.

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Re: 2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by JScott »

Jim, stick with the wine; stay away from the damn Gummi's. Take up granola. Doctor's orders.... Gotta love a nice Burg now and again, don't ya?

Amen, Bill. I may be doing this for quite some while, but there's worse penance.
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Re: 2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by Jay Winton »

I hought you were slowing down..take it easy BD, life is short.
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Re: 2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by Chasse-Spleen »

I love Chambolle-Musigny. One of my favorite Burgs/wines. Glad to hear the Jadot was a good one.
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Re: 2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by Chasse-Spleen »

Any BWE members from NYC up on fugitive charges? I've often thought I'd like to run away to Maine...
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Re: 2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by DavidG »

Tough day. A nice wine to savor helps take the edge off. But it's not semi-retirement if you cram just as much work into fewer hours. What about bringing on a younger associate? He does all the work, you collect all the money and share a nice bottle with him once or twice a week.
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Re: 2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by Roberto »

I have read that '06 is a balanced vintage and sounds like one I would like. I'll have to try some of the usual suspects. Jim, we Americans do work hard!

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Re: 2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by Nicklasss »

Jim, Jim, Jim,

you need full retirement, far away from Maine, to forget all those cases. Why not in Québec, where a part of your family originate? New challenges like learning french... and I could taste those 2006 Bourgognes with you more often.

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Re: 2006 Jadot Chambolle Musigny after a typical day in court

Post by JimHow »

It's hard, nic, like Bob says, we have to work hard in America. My retirement is funded but I still have to make enough for the occasional bottles of Carruades!

I'm going to try another '06 Jadot tonight, I think it is the Gevrey Chambertin if I'm not mistaken.
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