Decanter on 2011 Bdx

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Decanter on 2011 Bdx

Post by Bacchus »

Saw an article on 2011 in the new issue of Decanter over a cup of coffee at Starbucks. From memory, main themes of the article include: American and Asian importers are like-minded in demanding a price cut of ca. 50% over 2010 pricing. Asian and American importers also agree that there is little interest in the vintage, while many Asian importers report an excess supply of 2010s that they can't move. 2011 is a Cabernet vintage. Mouton is first amongst firsts. Alcohol levels are down: Mouton at 12.9%, lots in the low 13%s. Those who waited to pick late produced the better wines. Those who picked early produced greener wines with a mid-palate suck-out. Pontet Canet once again almost at the same level of the Pauillac firsts. Rauzan-Segla on par with LMHB, both just a titch below HB itself. Both LeoP and LeoB outperform LeoLC! They rank, as I recall, 2011 ahead of 02, 04, 07 and 08, but behind 00, 05, 09 and 10. Can't remember what they said about the right side I'm afraid.
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Re: Decanter on 2011 Bdx

Post by jmccready »

Decanter's en primeur team called the right bank 2011 vintage complicated for producers with quality inconsistent. More classic and structured
with alcohol readings around 13% and a good harvest of Cab. Franc helping the overall mix. They give many wines 4 stars with 5 going
to C.B. and Aus. Lafleur, Petrus, and Vieux Certan get 5 in Pomerol with 12 more 4 stars. This must be taken within the context of the vintage
as usual. Spurrier and Lawther are good at this so the notes should be reliable but it is a taste before you buy vintage it seems.
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