A great life.

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A great life.

Post by JimHow »

Those who have been here for a while know that I have talked about my father, John Howaniec, from time to time.
Sadly, we lost him this past Saturday morning, at the age of 90.
I was thankful to be by his side all night until the end at about 6:30 a.m., when he died peacefully.
He was a great man, I was very fortunate to be his son and to drink many a fine Bordeaux with him over the years.

A little summary of his life here for anyone who might be interested:

http://www.sunjournal.com/news/obituari ... ec/1660058
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Re: A great life.

Post by tim »

My condolences, Jim. I send warm wishes to your family, and fond remembrances of I'm sure many happy times. I recall the discussion you shared about his WWII days, and will raise a glass in his honor.

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Re: A great life.

Post by Tom In DC »

We're very sorry to hear that your father passed away, Jim. You'll be in our thoughts.

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Re: A great life.

Post by RDD »

Prayers said but tears flowing..................
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Re: A great life.

Post by Daytonnc »

Such a lovely memorium to your Dad. I am so sorry for your loss but it sounds like he was a wonderful loving Dad who lived a rich and fulfilling life. I am so sorry for your loss and am sending prayers to you and your family.

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Re: A great life.

Post by Nicklasss »

My condolences to you Jim and all your family. Important that you stayed near of him all his life and had many great moments with him. But a lost is always sad and wish you all the best in the next days.

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Re: A great life.

Post by DavidG »

Dear Jim,

I'm so sorry to hear of your father's passing. The piece in the Sun Journal was a wonderful tribute. Your love and respect for him shown brightly through many of your postings here and our discussions in person. It sounds like you had ample opportunity to spend time with him and let him know how you feel. That helps a lot. My deepest condolences to you, your brothers and their families. May you all find peace.

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Re: A great life.

Post by stefan »

Condolences, Jim. It is tough to lose a beloved parent even when you know it is time. The very good obituary gives a glimpse of his life for those of us who never met him.
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Re: A great life.

Post by JCNorthway »


Our condolences on your loss. No time is a good time, but you have tremendous experiences and memories that will live on.

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Re: A great life.

Post by jal »

Condolences Jim, our thoughts are with you. I remember reading about your father's exploits on this site countless times, it feels like all of the BWE community lost someone close.

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Re: A great life.

Post by JimHow »

Thank you to all of you for your kind thoughts.
I'll tell you, the medical care he got in the end was extraordinary in its compassion.
The young nurse who tended to him (and me) during that last night was a saint, her kindness will be with me forever.
I am certain he had no fear and no pain in the end.
Every time I start to give up on the human species I run into someone like her and I have renewed faith.
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Re: A great life.

Post by Comte Flaneur »

My condolences Jim.

I am sure we will be raising a glass to his memory in Bordeaux in May.
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Re: A great life.

Post by dstgolf »


Our Condolences and prayers are with you and your family. Thanks for sharing some stories about your father over the years and we'll toast to his memories in Bordeaux.
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Re: A great life.

Post by Jay Winton »

Sorry, Jim. I lost my mother in December after a long illness. They're both in a better place.
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Re: A great life.

Post by JimHow »

My condolences Jay.
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Re: A great life.

Post by robertgoulet »

godspeed to your father Jim..I am sure he was a great soul
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Re: A great life.

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Hey Jim,

Sorry to read about your loss. I enjoyed reading your "Dad" stories and you had every right to be proud of him. The memorial was fitting.

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Re: A great life.

Post by Michael Malinoski »

Very sorry to hear this, Jim. A toast to you both.

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