President Trump

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Winona Chief
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Re: President Trump

Post by Winona Chief »

The Capitol police did not do their job. This is a new low.

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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

JimHow wrote:Armed standoff on the House floor. How could that possibly have been allowed to happen.
Where's Hodor when you need him?

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Re: President Trump

Post by Jay Winton »

A rumor I heard was DOD stalled on authorizing the National Guard. I was NOT impressed by the Secretary of the Army at the mayor's press conference.
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gene m.
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Re: President Trump

Post by gene m. »

What's next?
Well Sund and the Sargeant at Arms in the house resigned, only after taking their 100's of hrs of PTO.
Maybe they should surrender their pensions to cover some of the damage...

For the executive office...
The purge has begun but, The right thing to do is
Turn yourselves over to the DoJ, confess your crimes and do your time.
Face all your civil suits and seek restitution to those you have wronged.

Since the right thing is unfathomable for those, the legislative branch with the DoJ/Judicial branches should concurrently
and seek long term Incarceration and restitution

No parties involved directly or indirectly should ever be allowed to seek or hold any governmental job or public office. Register them like sex offenders, shame and shun them wherever they are

Round up the criminals from the events, charge them with sedition, conspiracy, insurrection, assault on law enforcement, mail theft, destruction of federal property, etc.... I would love to see the charges that could be coming from a grand jury
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

12 more days...
Go golfing, Orange Head.
It's over. No need to impeach, no need to invoke the 25th amendment.
Nobody's gonna be dropping nuclear bombs.
He didn't commit any crimes telling people to storm the capitol.
Let's just get through the next week and a half, and soon he will be gone.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

There have to be consequences.
For Trump - jail.
For the mob - jail.
For the police who helped them - jail.
For the politicians who promoted it - a lifetime ban on holding any position in Federal government.
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Re: President Trump

Post by gene m. »

The narrative keeps getting worse...
A USCP officer has died and his death will be investigated as a homicide.
This is tragic and heartbreaking.

Video evidence clearly shows rioters attacking uniformed law enforcement with metal pipes, wood, clubs,
brandishing other weapons like baseball bats, using barricades. This is blatant assault and battery and highly criminal.

No one should just let 13 days pass.... This is a travesty and unjust to all the victims of the heinous actions of all who were involved,
directly and INDIRECTLY.

A woman was assaulted in Ca. by a mob of an estimated 40-50Trump protestors as 20 police stood by yesterday.
Standing by and waiting as a sworn officer of the law is as horrible as the actions of the violent mobs.
If those sworn to protect and uphold the law fail their duty, they fail all Americans and America
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

I agree Gene, there must be justice. We can’t just let it pass and say oh well, Trump will be gone soon. How big a chunk of Trump's 74 million voters were ok with this or actively encouraged it? Anything less than arrest and prosecution of the more rabid core who actually participated will embolden the entire group. If there is violent resistance, put it down with force. This was an attack on the core of our system of governance. If we don’t defend it, what the hell are we?
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Re: President Trump

Post by gene m. »

I am somewhat heartened that non government and non legal groups are at least stepping up.
The valley's VC community stated "If you still support this administration (sic Trump), FU "dpnt ever talk to me again!"

The flight attendants union, "seek to stop all those identified in the mayhem to ban them from all flights", basically a permanent No Fly list for domestic terrorists just like we have for all terrorists on watch list, whicih includes gun nuts from Arkansas. and proud (but disgracefu;) Buffula-boys, Booguh-loos(ers) and qAnoners from every rock they crawled out of.

Private citizens (nee M Obama) urge to ban all seditious, terrorists from all social media and we should extend this to all forms of electronic access used to facillitate acts of terror and consipriacies not just a 12 hour ban.

We know who they are, we know where they gather, we know their plans, we know how they organize, hell our local retired neighborhood watch of 80 year old dog walkers in my neigborhood could ferret these criminals out and apprehend them.

They cannot be permitted to hide under the skirts of lawyers with bogus 1st, 2nd amendment claims, and anyone giving aid or comfort is complicit. They can seek legal help once they are formally booked, charged, arrested and jailed. take heart...even convicted felons can vote after being parolled but maybe not in Florida.... Felons from Vermont and Maine can even vote whilein prison but are not allowed on 4chan, 8 chan and twitter.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlexR »

As far as I can gather, no BWEer supports Donald Trump. This is kind of incredible when you consider how many millions of people voted for him in 2016, and again in 2020.

I would very much welcome his impeachment or eviction by Pense;

Refusing to attend Biden's inauguration is totally in keeping with Trump's sick mind.

Alex R.
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gene m.
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Re: President Trump

Post by gene m. »

The Senate and House have provisions for Censure, Expulsion which I urge our lawmakers to consider.

A recall or at least a registration of your protest to their actions to challenge the certification/delay/disrupt and forment dissarray on Jan 6th is within the obligation of every citizen in every state that participated in this travesty.

RULE XI these mofos…..
U.S. Senate (the Hateful 8)

Tommy Tuberville, Ala.
Rick Scott, Fla.
Roger Marshall, Kan.
John Kennedy, La.
Cindy Hyde-Smith, Miss.
Josh Hawley, Mo.
Ted Cruz, Texas
Cynthia Lummis, Wyo.

U.S. House of Representatives (the Seditious one Forty)
Robert B. Aderholt, Ala.
Mo Brooks, Ala.
Jerry Carl, Ala.
Barry Moore, Ala.
Gary Palmer, Ala.
Mike Rogers, Ala.
Andy Biggs, Ariz.
Paul Gosar, Ariz.
Debbie Lesko, Ariz.
David Schweikert, Ariz.
Rick Crawford, Ark.
Ken Calvert, Calif.
Mike Garcia, Calif.
Darrell Issa, Calif.
Doug LaMalfa, Calif.
Kevin McCarthy, Calif.
Devin Nunes, Calif. * scheduled to receive a tarnished medal of Freedom from Trump, what a joke)
Jay Obernolte, Calif.
Lauren Boebert, Colo.
Doug Lamborn, Colo.
Kat Cammack, Fla.
Mario Diaz-Balart, Fla.
Byron Donalds, Fla.
Neal Dunn, Fla.
Scott Franklin, Fla.
Matt Gaetz, Fla.
Carlos Gimenez, Fla.
Brian Mast, Fla.
Bill Posey, Fla.
John Rutherford, Fla.
Greg Steube, Fla.
Daniel Webster, Fla.
Rick Allen, Ga.
Earl L. “Buddy” Carter, Ga.
Andrew Clyde, Ga.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ga.
Jody Hice, Ga.
Barry Loudermilk, Ga.
Russ Fulcher, Idaho
Mike Bost, Ill.
Mary Miller, Ill.
Jim Baird, Ind.
Jim Banks, Ind.
Greg Pence, Ind.
Jackie Walorski, Ind.
Ron Estes, Kan.
Jacob LaTurner, Kan.
Tracey Mann, Kan.
Harold Rogers, Ky.
Garret Graves, La.
Clay Higgins, La.
Mike Johnson, La.
Steve Scalise, La.
Andy Harris, Md.
Jack Bergman, Mich.
Lisa McClain, Mich.
Tim Walberg, Mich.
Michelle Fischbach, Minn.
Jim Hagedorn, Minn.
Michael Guest, Miss.
Trent Kelly, Miss.
Steven Palazzo, Miss.
Sam Graves, Mo.
Vicky Hartzler, Mo.
Billy Long, Mo.
Blaine Luetkemeyer, Mo.
Jason Smith, Mo.
Matt Rosendale, Mont.
Dan Bishop, N.C.
Ted Budd, N.C.
Madison Cawthorn, N.C.
Virginia Foxx, N.C.
Richard Hudson, N.C.
Gregory F. Murphy, N.C.
David Rouzer, N.C.
Jeff Van Drew, N.J.
Yvette Herrell, N.M.
Chris Jacobs, N.Y.
Nicole Malliotakis, N.Y.
Elise M. Stefanik, N.Y.
Lee Zeldin, N.Y.
Adrian Smith, Neb.
Steve Chabot, Ohio
Warren Davidson, Ohio
Bob Gibbs, Ohio
Bill Johnson, Ohio
Jim Jordan, Ohio
Stephanie Bice, Okla.
Tom Cole, Okla.
Kevin Hern, Okla.
Frank Lucas, Okla.
Markwayne Mullin, Okla.
Cliff Bentz, Ore.
John Joyce, Pa.
Fred Keller, Pa.
Mike Kelly, Pa.
Daniel Meuser, Pa.
Scott Perry, Pa.
Guy Reschenthaler, Pa.
Lloyd Smucker, Pa.
Glenn Thompson, Pa.
Jeff Duncan, S.C.
Ralph Norman, S.C.
Tom Rice, S.C.
William Timmons, S.C.
Joe Wilson, S.C.
Tim Burchett, Tenn.
Scott DesJarlais, Tenn.
Chuck Fleischmann, Tenn.
Mark E. Green, Tenn.
Diana Harshbarger, Tenn.
David Kustoff, Tenn.
John Rose, Tenn.
Jodey Arrington, Texas
Brian Babin, Texas
Michael C. Burgess, Texas
John R. Carter, Texas
Michael Cloud, Texas
Pat Fallon, Texas
Louie Gohmert, Texas
Lance Gooden, Texas
Ronny Jackson, Texas
Troy Nehls, Texas
August Pfluger, Texas
Pete Sessions, Texas
Beth Van Duyne, Texas
Randy Weber, Texas
Roger Williams, Texas
Ron Wright, Texas
Burgess Owens, Utah
Chris Stewart, Utah
Ben Cline, Va.
Bob Good, Va.
Morgan Griffith, Va.
Robert J. Wittman, Va.
Carol Miller, W.Va.
Alexander X. Mooney, W.Va.
Scott Fitzgerald, Wis.
Tom Tiffany, Wis.

Did you vote for any of these ? If so would you want them to continue to represent you?
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Scary factoid of the day: “A Wednesday poll found that 45 percent of Republicans approved of the storming of the Capitol building”.

It does make me wonder how the other 55% of Republicans can stay in the same party with the fascist 45%.
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Re: President Trump

Post by OrlandoRobert »

AlexR wrote:As far as I can gather, no BWEer supports Donald Trump. This is kind of incredible when you consider how many millions of people voted for him in 2016, and again in 2020.

I would very much welcome his impeachment or eviction by Pense;

Refusing to attend Biden's inauguration is totally in keeping with Trump's sick mind.

Alex R.
I’m truly embarrassed you are seeing this. We are better than this. How the world see us is relevant.

The world is not looking upon us favorably these days.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

None of the sedition supporters on that list represent me. I’ve met with Andy Harris of MD a couple of times to discuss healthcare issues. He is a Hopkins anesthesiologist. Harris went after one of the Ds on the House floor Wednesday for calling Trump's election fraud supprters liars. He had to be restrained. I sent him an email this morning telling him to count me among those who have called for his resignation.
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gene m.
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Re: President Trump

Post by gene m. »

DavidG wrote:None of the sedition supporters on that list represent me. Harris went after one of the Ds on the House floor Wednesday for calling Trump's election fraud supporters liars. He had to be restrained. I sent him an email this morning telling him to count me among those who have called for his resignation.
Thank you

I urge all citizens to use the processes which are part of Rule XI , ethics violations that may lead to the censure (remove all committee assignments, but a rep/senator can vote) OR expulsion which is like an impeachment conviction and removes them from office.

Any private citizen can report potential ethics violations regarding House of Representative members to the OCE (Office of Congressional Ethics) The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) of the U.S. House of Representatives is an independent, non-partisan entity charged with reviewing allegations of misconduct against Members, officers, and staff of the U.S. House of Representatives and, when appropriate, referring matters to the House Committee on Ethics.

I made a submission on Mo Brooks using :

Regarding the Senate, there is no equivalence but you can contact them here:

Committee staff is available by telephone at (202) 224-2981, or in person at 220 Hart Senate Office Building.
Written inquiries should be addressed to:
Chairman James Lankford and Vice Chairman Christopher A. Coons
Senate Select Committee on Ethics
220 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Send a mail to Lankford regarding the documented behavior on Ted Cruz of Texas, Josh Hawley of Missouri
The evidence is quite readily available just watching their speeches and interviews on the Georgia runoff election and on Jan 6-7th electoral college certification. There appear to be overt acts/statements of Sedition, inciting violence on members of congress, insurrection as well as fraud.

How would you feel if you were Mike Pence and your boss sent an armed mob to your work chanting "Hang Mike Pence!" You saw videos of a mob building a gallow, video showing up with terrorists with flex cuff restraints, rope/noose and being shown on multiple videos and interviews with rioting domestic terrorist threatening you and chanting to hang you.

If anyone of so much as posted a threat like that directed at any member of congress or VP, you can bet your ass the FBI would be knocking on your door and hauling your ass to jail
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Those young Democratic Congressmen are my heroes.
Did you see the C-Span video of that fight during Connor Lamb's speech, David, the expressions on those young Congressmen is priceless...
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Re: President Trump

Post by Jay Winton »

and Andy Kim (D-NJ) helping with the cleanup (performed by people of color abhorred by those who caused the damage). Harris is an embarassment to the state I live in (for now).
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gene m.
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Re: President Trump

Post by gene m. »

AKR wrote:
JimHow wrote:Armed standoff on the House floor. How could that possibly have been allowed to happen.
Where's Hodor when you need him?

Here is one answer:
In the video, one can see the bloodied officer trapped between a metal door frame and his shield. He screams horribly and calls for help as his mouth is bleeding.

Just before the footage of the officer himself, one can see a MAGA hat-wearing mob chanting "Heave! Ho!" and pushing together in unison in an attempt to break through which leave the poor officer trapped in the middle.
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gene m.
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Re: President Trump

Post by gene m. »

While on the topic of creating levity over what are clearly tragic and horrific events......

Rosanne Boyland, 34, was killed as the mob rushed the Capitol building (she was trampled 2-3 people deep and crushed)
Justin Cave, who is married to Boyland's sister, shared a prepared statement with CBS 46 blaming he president for inciting the deadly pro-Trump riot and calling for him to leave office.
"I’ve never tried to be a political person but it’s my own personal belief that the president’s words incited a riot that killed four of his biggest fans last night and I believe that we should invoke the 25th Amendment at this time," Cave said, adding that Boyland's family is "grieving on every level for our country, for all the families that have lost loved ones or suffered injuries, or our own loss."
Police announced Boyland's death on Thursday, saying she died of a "medical emergency."

An accompanying photo shows the mob storming over people with a person draped in "Don't Tread on me" flag

The “DON’T TREAD ON ME” TRUMP MERCHANDISE was clearly defective.

Kevin Greeson, 55, of Athens, Alabama; and Benjamin Phillips, 50, of Ringtown, Pennsylvania, also died of medical emergencies, the Metropolitan Police Department said.

OTHER REPORTS indicate Greeson TASED HIMSELF in the BALLS, which led to his death.
you can see these photos online or in the Wineberserkers thread if like "more dark humor"

Greeson's family said in a statement that the Trump supporter suffered a heart attack during the chaos, The News Courier reported.

Phillips, who had organized a group to drive to Washington, D.C., from his home state, died of an apparent stroke after being taken to George Washington University Hospital, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

HIS WIFE stated he got overly excited and STROKED OUT

soooo..... some precautions for the would be Darwin Award winners planning to go to the next "WILD THING"
1- wearing a stupid red hat, a flag as a cape or your kid's Halloween costume does not give you super powers
2- never possess and definitely do not finger a weapon you you are not trained or qualified on, one thingie is the safety the other is the trigger, they teach that but not at NRA safety training
3- there are warnings about taking a road trip every mommy knows, dont feed after midnight, no bright lights and dont get them wet
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Re: President Trump

Post by Claudius2 »

What does Trump intend to do post White House?
Presumably start a new reality TV series?
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

I’m hoping for license plate production during work hours and after-hours prison bitch.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Phil David »

Defending lawsuits is going to chew up a lot of his time.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Phil David wrote:Defending lawsuits is going to chew up a lot of his time.
Yup, this is the more likely outcome. Trump and his evil spawn will be spending their time and his gullible supporters' money on his idiot lawyers fighting criminal charges and civil suits.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

Seems like that's them in a nutshell. (did I just call them nuts?)
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

And so...
It comes to an end.
Back on August 6, 2015, I posted a message that started with the words:

"God I just can't get enough of this guy."

More than a year before the 2016 election.
Man, have we seen some lows since then.

But now, he is gone.

Two BWEers over the past year have asked me to bring this thread to an end.
Myself, I think it is one of the best things we have done on this site, recording the rise and fall of fascism, incredibly, in twenty-second century America.

I have no desire to post further about this orange-haired fool.
On the other hand, I have no desire to censor, either, the free-wheeling nature of discussion here on BWE is what makes us different from the other, uptight, wine websites.

He is gone. We defeated fascism. For now, anyway. Be vigilant, my friends.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Musigny 151 »

Brilliant. I thought he would run out of steam two minutes in.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Musigny 151 »

JimHow wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:33 am And so...
It comes to an end.
Back on August 6, 2015, I posted a message that started with the words:

"God I just can't get enough of this guy."

More than a year before the 2016 election.
Man, have we seen some lows since then.

But now, he is gone.

Two BWEers over the past year have asked me to bring this thread to an end.
Myself, I think it is one of the best things we have done on this site, recording the rise and fall of fascism, incredibly, in twenty-second century America.

I have no desire to post further about this orange-haired fool.
On the other hand, I have no desire to censor, either, the free-wheeling nature of discussion here on BWE is what makes us different from the other, uptight, wine websites.

He is gone. We defeated fascism. For now, anyway. Be vigilant, my friends.
I don’t think fascism has fallen. It is still out there, and worse, Trump gave it and racism a spurious veneer of respectability
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Indeed, Musigny151, that post that I wrote a year and a half ago is badly outdated.
Things have only gotten worse.
I get a kick out of the fall of Johnson over, what, a few fibs?
What Trump and his fellow fascists have done is a million times worse.
I shudder at what is coming.
Ah well, at least we have the 2019 vintage to look forward to.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Check out these GOP primary polls:

The primaries start in just over 12 months, a twinkling in the timeline of an obstructed investigation. DeSanctimonious doesn’t stand a chance. House money says we’re looking at Biden-Trump II in 2024, the Rumble in the Hospice.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

They’ll both be in Leavenworth playing Bingo in their diapers by 2024.

Man, did Joe screw up. I never felt comfortable about this Mar-a-Lago prosecution, I guess we’ll see what documents are involved. I’m just holding my breath that Barack doesn’t have anything.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

Blanquito wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 1:52 am Check out these GOP primary polls:

The primaries start in just over 12 months, a twinkling in the timeline of an obstructed investigation. DeSanctimonious doesn’t stand a chance. House money says we’re looking at Biden-Trump II in 2024, the Rumble in the Hospice.
It seems to me that the recent movement in those GOP primary polls is that Desantis is gaining relatively.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Interesting and bleak take: ... 2020-trump

It sure looks like Biden v Trump II, Bingo on the Potomac, where 80 is the new 40.

So, if we buy the rematch narrative, who wins? House money has to be on Biden, right?
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

If Joe Biden does not go senile or die before Election Day 2024, we should be okay.
But that's a big if.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Winona Chief »

Nothing against Biden but I think it would be good if the president was younger than me (72 and soon to be 73).

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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Not feeling real comfortable about this coming indictment.
Is this all they got? I think before you go around indicting former presidents it needs to be something existential.
Prosecutors use discretion in bringing prosecutions every day of the week, whether it is minor stuff or major stuff.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Hm$(still) »

I am not feeling good either. But in the short term, Do you think they will make him do a perp walk? I mean perp waddle?

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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

Word is that he will turn himself in to avoid the perp walk, but won't be able to avoid the mug shot and fingerprinting.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Will the Resolute desk fit into a standard prison cell?
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