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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Harris other wise Rice

It is a two horse race between these two

Harris will most likely get it and Rice will be Secretary of State if Joe wins

Warren will get some influential role in the administration or the Senate
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

If that's the result, Ian, I'll vote Republican out of protest like I voted 2005 Burgundy as Bordeaux wine of the year....

If Kamala Harris is Veep and Susan rice Sec of state, I'm moving out of this fucking shit hole of a dirt bag country.

Bernie '24.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

If there is a white female picked as Veep there will be "outrage" <rolls eyes> from the MSNBC crowd for about 3.5 hours, and then they will coalesce, in their Beltway phoniness, around the white girl. She will be the greatest thing since (white) sliced bread, even though women on a presidential ticket -- Geraldine, Sarah, Hillary -- have only ever hurt, not helped, presidential tickets. that's why the republicans pick these ugly old white men like Cheney and Pence. Because, um, unlike the Dems, they actually want to win. Someday the democrats will understand that a woman should be selected if she is the best candidate, not the politically correct candidate. Meantime, the Republicans will continue to pick "jokes" like Quayle, Cheyney, Pence... "jokes," in other words, who actually get elected. even women see through this bullshit, and vote for the men.. over and over and over....
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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

Oh, stop it.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

If it is Kamala Harris or Susan Rice, two of the absolute worst political hacks in American politics, merely because they are "black women," then I just give up. I give up. No mas. No mas.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JCNorthway »

I worry about the Black voter turnout if he does not choose an African American VP. OTOH, I have the same concerns about Harris.
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Re: President Trump

Post by jal »

He’ll pick Val Demmings or Karen Bass
I prefer Whitmer, maybe Duckworth has a chance.

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Re: President Trump

Post by Chateau Vin »

JimHow wrote:If that's the result, Ian, I'll vote Republican out of protest like I voted 2005 Burgundy as Bordeaux wine of the year....

If Kamala Harris is Veep and Susan rice Sec of state, I'm moving out of this fucking shit hole of a dirt bag country.

Bernie '24.
Come on Jim. Where would you go? To a ‘shit hole’ country? :lol:

I agree that picking VP based on identity politics instead of qualifications is terrible...Having a qualified VP is all the more important as it is likely that Biden won’t finish his term if he wins. Harris is a too much of a phony politician with no experience of administration. Rice is too much of a bureaucrat and I am not sure if she can lead. I like ‘that woman’ from great lakes area who can fit the bill... Oh wait, dems are playing the roulette of identity politics in VP pick...damn...

Having said that, Jim, any VP would be better than ‘spineless yes man’, Pence, and uncle Joe atleast doesn’t trample the constitution and behave above the law, and most importantly, doesn’t tear up the country and kill the democracy...

The choice is clear in that sense...
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Re: President Trump

Post by Musigny 151 »

JimHow wrote:If it is Kamala Harris or Susan Rice, two of the absolute worst political hacks in American politics, merely because they are "black women," then I just give up. I give up. No mas. No mas.
First of all the idea of these two highly qualified women being mere “political hacks” is exactly the kind of misdirection that Trump loves to throw. An examination of both their careers would indicate long hard journeys, and both are qualified, and Susan Rice particularly qualified . In fact, Rice would have had a far easier if she had gone the politic route, but she is outspoken to a fault.

What worries me more, Jim, given what a totally incompetent failure we have in the White House, that an intelligent fellah like yourself would even contemplate giving him a second term. The country can recover from his first term, but probably not a second. I have not read through the Trump thread, so I am not sure that you were joking or not, but you are in a swing state, and your vote counts for a lot more than mine. Do not vote for the monstrous piece of crap occupying the White House.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

There are plenty of women who I would like to see as Vice President or President.
Just not these two political hacks. Harris in particular makes my skin crawl.
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Re: President Trump

Post by tim »

I like both Harris and Rice a lot, but Rice comes with a lot of baggage that would rile up the far right.

But Jim, seriously, Bernie '24? Bernie is the one candidate that would make me leave the Democratic Party in a heartbeat. His ideology is to the left of the French Socialists. I would vote for virtually any Republican (except Trump) over Bernie.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Comte Flaneur »

Even though she hates Washington DC with good justification, Michelle Obama should step up for the sake of her country. It would be all over bar the shouting. But the Obamas just seem to want an easy life living off their royalties.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Claudius2 »

That sounds like a pretty good outcome!
I think the Obamas probably had enough of Washington by now; maybe just time to take it easy.

Having said that, I do think it is sad that Biden is likely to pick someone based on identity politics.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Musigny 151 »

tim wrote:I like both Harris and Rice a lot, but Rice comes with a lot of baggage that would rile up the far right.

But Jim, seriously, Bernie '24? Bernie is the one candidate that would make me leave the Democratic Party in a heartbeat. His ideology is to the left of the French Socialists. I would vote for virtually any Republican (except Trump) over Bernie.
I also think Bernie would make a piss poor President, but here is the difference. I would still vote for him over Trump. Hell, I would for (almost) anybody over Trump. I was even asked if I would vote for Jim Jordan, and I reluctantly said I would; that is how much of a disaster Trump is. So Bernie is easy.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Kamala Harris it is!!!! ... e=Homepage

I guess Michelle Obama was unavailable.

Jim, which country are you going to move to? Or is ME-2 considered a foreign land already?
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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

Biden-Harris 2020!
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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

What is it with all the cultural appropriation. Kamala is actually Indian. One my peeps!
Let's get some nice curry bouquet in the WH, just like home.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

You guys will see this is a mistake.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Well at least we've got the California vote nailed down now. <rolls eyes>
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

VP choices make so little difference on the horse race. Harris was a low risk choice, and that's what we need right now. And if something does happen to Biden if he wins, she is experienced and steady. And some may not care, but I for one think it is exciting to have a minority woman a heartbeat away from the Oval.

Jim, as you have said a while back, part of your issue with her is her history as a prosecutor, which makes sense given your profession, but most people have zero baggage with that (and it might even help defuse any nonsense about the Dems wanting to cancel the police).
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

...except poor people put in jail by ambitious politician prosecutors, of course, disproportionately minority.
I guess time will tell, Patrick. Let’s see in about two weeks whether she has added or subtracted to Joe’s chances.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Musigny 151 »

Well for two payments of $19.95, you can now buy your very own Trumpy Bear
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

JimHow wrote:...except poor people put in jail by ambitious politician prosecutors, of course, disproportionately minority.
I guess time will tell, Patrick. Let’s see in about two weeks whether she has added or subtracted to Joe’s chances.
I was really just thinking about the electoral impacts... In terms of her record as a DA, I really know very little about it except what came up during the primaries.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I don't know, I'm a grouchy old white guy, I guess.
Omg watching Trump attack her right now.
I just haven't been impressed with her.
I just really despise phoniness in politicians, regardless of policy.
Suzie Collins is THE worst, it is hard to beat her.
It's why I always say I'd rather see Trump as president than Pence.
I put Kamala in the Pence range when it comes to phoniness.
Kamala Harris is a Susan Collins of the Democratic Party.
And I think her phoniness is one of the reasons why she was the first Democrat to drop out of the primary.
I think most people see through that.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

But as with everything else, I pray that you are right and I am wrong.
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Re: President Trump

Post by johnz »

I’m with Jim as to Trump’s chances. The polls now mean nothing. Even exit polls mean nothing since year 2000. Voters don’t lie about who they voted for as they come out of the voting booth, and in past decades exit polls are what networks used to call races. But after 2000, and ever since, we need to remember that just because you voted it doesn’t mean your vote counts. Millions of votes are purged each election, and the Republican Party is really good at it. Also, Biden is a flawed candidate, which will become uncomfortably evident as he comes out of his basement and debates. As the Democrats still remind us to this day -- Hillary's loss wasn't Hillary's fault, and I find it amusing that even now as the polls tighten the Democrats are lining up excuses for why and how they might again lose to a childish ignorant game show host. So far I hear the following:
1. Russia (again)
2. China
3. Iran
4. Sexism
5. Kanye West

--Gary Rust
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

JimHow wrote:I don't know, I'm a grouchy old white guy, I guess.
Omg watching Trump attack her right now.
I just haven't been impressed with her.
I just really despise phoniness in politicians, regardless of policy.
Suzie Collins is THE worst, it is hard to beat her.
It's why I always say I'd rather see Trump as president than Pence.
I put Kamala in the Pence range when it comes to phoniness.
Kamala Harris is a Susan Collins of the Democratic Party.
And I think her phoniness is one of the reasons why she was the first Democrat to drop out of the primary.
I think most people see through that.
You could be totally right Jim (and I'm inclined to agree with you, but don't hate the player, hate the game!), but I just don't think it will matter.

Biden's #1 VP mission was to do no harm (AKA avoid at all costs another Sarah Palin), and I think Harris was the safest and boring (probably by design) choice while still being (1) ground breaking while (2) checking all of the boxes the choice needed to check to avoid doing any harm.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

That moment during the primary debates when she attacked Joe because he actually was able to work across the aisle with some right wingers in the senate, and then she turns that against him as being racist, that she was the little 8 year old girl on those school buses, omg, it is that kind of phoniness in politics that just makes my head explode.

She moves from left to center, Hillary-like, as the political winds blow.

To me she is exactly the type of phony that is the problem with politics in this country. I've yet to see the woke culture win any major victories (Obama is not woke, he frowns on it), maybe this will be the time. I doubt it. But I'm an old white guy, maybe I'm just out of touch.

I think the Trump campaign is going to have a field day with her, but I guess we are about to find out. Like Gary Rust said, though, I can't wait to hear the excuses this time if we lose.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

One thing that gives me a hint of hope: As Patrick and others have noted, I just can't see Orange pulling in more than 270 in the best case scenario (for him), and that's if he steals Wisconsin.
So this is by no means a lock for Orange Head.

I'll improve Joe's chances by 1 point with the bounce we should see for a few days from the Harris pick, but I still have it 268-270 for Orange in the electoral college.

How Quotient:

HQ = 52

Electoral College Projection:

268 - 270
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Railing against phoniness in politicians is about as useful as spitting into the wind. Jim, don’t make perfect the enemy of the good. Or bad the enemy of the heretofore-unimaginably-horrific.

I’m happy with the Harris pick. Abrams might have been a better choice from the electoral college perspective with Georgia potentially in play. I think Harris' prosecutorial experience will serve her well during the campaign.
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Re: President Trump

Post by stefan »

Kamala will be the best Veep since Joe Biden.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

The very first Biden/Harris ad to hit the airwaves was not from the campaign or from any superpac on the left. It was put out by the Lincoln Project.
And they're just warming up.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Those Lincoln Project ads have been great.
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Re: President Trump

Post by jal »

If you needed more proof that Biden will win: ... 11167.html

To me Gundlach is the George Costanza of money managers as in "Do the Opposite"

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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »


A great Veep roll out!

Very well done, both Joe AND Kamala!

Gives me some hope!
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I agree with what Gloria Borger just said:
It was as good a speech as I've heard Joe give in this campaign!

VERY strong performances by both of them.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Adjusting some of the numbers:

How Quotient:

HQ = 47

Electoral College Projection:

289 - 249
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I thought she hit it out of the park. The complete roll out was A+. The tone was perfect. She was a perfect contrast to the three old white men in the campaign. As I was listening to her I thought, why am I not disliking her like I did during the primary? It’s almost like the job of “Vice President candidate” is perfectly made for her. It’s obviously one of the most unique jobs in the world. That John Adams quote: “Today I am nothing, tomorrow I could be everything.” Perhaps even more so than the top dog on the ticket, I think the veep candidate is charged with prosecuting the case AGAINST the other side. And we got a nice little taste of what’s to come. I thought they mixed in perfectly the personal touch, the not-overdone-references to Beau were very touching. And of course, if I’m a woman, a minority, a girl, a gay, an anything-other-than-good-old-white-guy, I’m jacked!

A great start. One sobering thought, though:
I thought Sarah Palin knocked it out of the park in her inaugural speech...

What do we got, 83 days to go?

Let’s get it on!
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