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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I'll be curious to see how Team Clinton responds.
Podesta's statement was low key.
We know that the normal Bill/Hillary tactic is to go on the attack.
But they seem shells of their former selves.
They seem tired and... old.
(Bill looked healthier back in the day when he was unhealthier. Now, as a thin vegan, he looks sickly and emaciated, his voice weak and hollow.)
The old James Carville team is now the Huma Abedin/Chelsea Clinton wine and cheese crowd.
This feels like a Round 12 up-off-the-mat knockout by Trump.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Ugh Clinton only up 3 in NH, BEFORE Huma-gate.
We're finished.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

It would be so great to put Trump and Clinton in jail cells across from each other.

That would be a dream within a dream.

I told everyone years ago Trump was a trickster, a fraud.

And for Bill to go prowling around his wife's help Is bad form.

I would have thought she would have learned not to put temptations in front of him, whether its fried chicken or skirts.

He can't control his urges and she has known him long enough to be aware of that.

Just like I never leave food on the counter when the dog is in the kitchen.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Hillary holds brief press conference.
Calls for FBI to release all information.
Clinton campaign, in final 10 days of one of the most important elections in US history, tied to images of Anthony Weiner.
Not good.
The Clinton team needs to make sure it first does no harm.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Jim we are one f'd up country.

I can almost forgive Trump and the rabid Rs for their elation.

No such forgiveness for the media jizzing all over themselves with another opportunity to make this close. They aren't even her emails.

Comey had to announce once he knew but I wonder if he's known for weeks or months and picked today for maximum effect. The Trump kids one week ago promised a major disqualifying October surprise to be released today. Hmmm...
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

No such forgiveness for the media jizzing all over themselves with another opportunity to make this close.
Oh stop it David.
You can't use that.
Last time I heard you (and others) making that argument was when the election was closer this summer.
Then, as Clinton moved ahead in the past month, suddenly the media coverage was fair.

I mean, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has publicly announced a reopening of an investigation against a candidate for president.
That's news.
I think its bullshit, but it's news. Don't blame the media for this one.
Don't blame the reporting of it on the media "making it close."

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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Comey had to announce once he knew but I wonder if he's known for weeks or months and picked today for maximum effect. The Trump kids one week ago promised a major disqualifying October surprise to be released today. Hmmm...
Now THAT point I agree with you on.
This is total political bullshit.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Jim, how are the news commentators handling this?

The emails must be "pertinent" otherwise why would Comey inform Congress, notwithstanding his claim that they don't know if they are pertinent?

Weiner could be the Dems' Bartman. He be all like, "what are you mad at me for? I was just sexting some underage girl."
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

This underage girl will probably turn out to be some 40 year old Russian KGB geek trolling from a cryptobunker in Minsk. What a great back door into State. Through Weiner's third eye.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

The thing that gives me a little hope here actually pertains to your argument about the media, David.
This needs to get re-interpreted by the media over the next few days.
Hillary started the discussion tonight.
Hey, I don't know anything about these emails.
First I heard about it was when you guys heard about it.
I call upon the director to release everything.
I got nuthin' to hide.
In fact, he released it first to the Republican committee chairs (a white lie, I love it, so Bill-Clintonian with a dash of Carville, hey Trump lies, why not us?), what's up with that?
This could actually be spun in her favor if done right.

The problem is we are in SUCH a DELICATE place in the election.
These swing states like NC and NH are in the balance.
Ten days beforehand. Wow.

This was a really disgusting thing done by the FBI director.
The media that you are so down on in the moment will come to Hillary's rescue and point out how blatantly political this is.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

The emails must be "pertinent" otherwise why would Comey inform Congress, notwithstanding his claim that they don't know if they are pertinent?
Hound, that's the argument on Fox.

In the MSM, Comey is a Republican lackey.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Reading the reports of Trump's Lisbon, Maine rally. Oh man what if this district's vote puts him over the top? Jim, have you been registering your quota of convicted felons? You going to drive them around to several polling places to do their duty, right?
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Of course. "Hey, we just found some emails. Not sure what they're about or who they're between but I thought I'd let you know that we are going to find out if they have anything to do with Hillary Clinton. Could take a while, I'll get back to ya." /s/Jim Comey
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I didn't think of that!
You know, in progressive Maine, felons can vote!

I thought his Lisbon speech was kind of lame.
Surprisingly, he spoke for only about a minute about the Comey letter.
And Pence was very reserved about it tonight on Hardball.
I think they think there is probably nothing there, and they are like warily dancing around it, like when the cavemen first saw fire.

As for the Maine second CD.
It is insanity, but there is an actually realistic scenario where this crazy district in the northern half of Maine could determine the future of the free world with its lone electoral college vote. There are two unlikely but not unrealistic scenarios in which the single elector in this crazy area could decide the presidency.

My head is going to explode.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Of course. "Hey, we just found some emails. Not sure what they're about or who they're between but I thought I'd let you know that we are going to find out if they have anything to do with Hillary Clinton. Could take a while, I'll get back to ya." /s/Jim Comey
…Ten days before the most important election in the history of the world.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

I hope the legal eagles have sussed out where to file the lawsuit. Obviously with the Supremes at a push it means the circuit court decision stands. So I can see Clinton filing in the 9th Circuit and Trump filing in the 11th Circuit or wherever, and each gets a judgment that he/she is President. Then what happens? Sectional warfare? Honestly wouldn't that be how it's decided? This is gonna be awesome.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

The headline on the CNN website tonight:


Release "complete facts" on emails, Clinton tells FBI.

Now that's what we want to see!
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Yes, what is the FBI hiding? What is it they don't want the American electorate to know?

She should file an FOIA request or some kind of quo warranto or some other bullshit thing (never mind that it is privilege/investigatory--there must be some colorable grounds for asserting a higher compelling public interest).

Let's make lemonade out of this one!
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

A writ of mandamus to Comey. That's what she should seek.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Well, I think the inevitable litigation is going to be decided at the state level, Hound, no?

I mean, Bush v. Gore was a direct appeal from the Florida Supreme Court to the U.S. Supreme Court.
And it was the Black Saturday afternoon granting of the TRO by the U.S. Supremes that effectively ended the race, when they stopped the recount.
Sure, there were the obligatory oral arguments (Tribe sucked, they should have let Bois do it… not that it would have mattered), but it was over when they stopped the recount.

With an evenly-split U.S. Supreme Court, the winner will depend on which STATE supreme court supports which candidate.
I think Florida is still Democratic.

But I think the battles will be fought in NC, NH, and possibly PA.
I'm not sure what the political breakdown is in those states.

So when it goes up to the U.S. Supreme Court and the vote is tied 4-4, the lower state court order will remain in effect.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Awesome headline. Straight out of Citizen Kane.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

She should file an FOIA request or some kind of quo warranto or some other bullshit thing (never mind that it is privilege/investigatory--there must be some colorable grounds for asserting a higher compelling public interest).
A writ of mandamus to Comey. That's what she should seek.
Actually, that's about right.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

C'mon, throw me a frickin bone here. I need a clear pathway to LEGITIMATE armed insurrection. We can't just have some bitterenders in Idaho waiving the Trump flag. I need official, sanctioned refusal to go along with results by one or more states in their sovereign capacities. Not some vote recounting BS.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

I need Trump to proclaim that he is President of all of the States that voted for him. How can the elected officials in the states Trump wins ignore the will of their own citizens? If Trump did this, it could be "game on!"
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

You laugh, but we actually have these "sovereign citizens" up here in the Maine second CD. When we voir dire our jury pools and the judge asks the question (paraphrasing), Is there anyone here who does not believe in the jury trial system as a method of resolving disputes, inevitably we get at least one or two nut cakes who respond affirmatively. These are usually the ones who are responding in their jury pool questionnaires that they are stockading guns, canned goods, etc., in their bunkers out in the woods…..

This is what we are dealing with here.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

After all, if you remember the Godfather, like Clemenza told Michael, every 10 years or so the families have to have it out, get the bad blood out of the system. It's been like what, 150 years since the US has gotten the bad blood out. That's a long time festering.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

We knew this was going to be ugly.
And we have not been let down.
I told my friend Effie tonight that I'm suffering from PTSD as a result of this election.
She says she has "clinical depression."
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Well I don't think it's just the sovereign citizens anymore. Like I said, all of the people watching Walking Dead and its knock offs very strongly identify with the survivors and view everyone else as the zombies. And if you watch those shows, the survivors' lifestyle is pretty cool. Live off the land, ride around in stolen ATVs. Very much the way things were here at the time of the Founding Fathers. Drums Along the Mohawk, that sort of thing. So for sure I think many of your "average Americans" are ready to trade their Galaxy S7s for AR-15s and get it on. What's the worst thing that could happen? You get killed and go to Heaven.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

You sound like someone who has spent a lot of time living in Colorado.
In Colorado you have zombies.
In northern Maine we have… northern Mainers.
REAL zombies.
We eat zombies for lunch.
With a fine chianti.
People who can live on like tree bark for 20 years.
I don't know if you heard the story about the Maine hermit who lived in the woods for like 20 years, it was in the national news a year or two ago.
That wasn't like in 1918 or anything like that.
That was like, in the last 20 years.
And that was outside of Augusta, about 30 miles north of my house, and 30 miles of where Mr. Trump was appealing his message in the final hours of the campaign this afternoon.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

The Maine hermit. My friend Walt represented him in court:
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

The Nate Silver "polls-plus forecast" <rolls eyes> as of 10/28/16 is 79.2% likelihood of Clinton victory.
(First time I've seen it under 80% in a while.)
So… That seems like a pretty strong, almost overwhelming chance of victory some ten days before the election….
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Ok watching Nate "The Final Answer" Silver on Lawrence O'Donnell tonight.
He's going to tell me everything I need to know about the election after this tumultuous day. <rolls eyes>.
So ten days before the election, because he is such a genius, I should have all the answers when they come back from commercial break.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Ok so here he is...,

This FBI stuff "makes for a more interesting Election Day" says the God himself.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Lynyrd Skynyrd?

That reminded me of the Mad Magazine parody of the Dirty Dozen. The part where the shrink interviews all the commandos, including the "normal" sergeant. They all take the Rorschach test and the crazy criminal types all relate the most horrible images from the inkblots---rapes, murders, satan. And the normal guy says he sees "a butterfly." And when the shrink reports to the Major, he tells them everyone tested normal, except the sergeant, who has "serious problems."
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

JimHow wrote:
Of course. "Hey, we just found some emails. Not sure what they're about or who they're between but I thought I'd let you know that we are going to find out if they have anything to do with Hillary Clinton. Could take a while, I'll get back to ya." /s/Jim Comey
…Ten days before the most important election in the history of the world.
Appears that the FBI has had the computer and access to the emails for months, and the emails have nothing to do with Clinton. Neither to or from her. But 11 days before the election Comey writes an almost-content-free memo allowing the media and the Republicans to interpret it any way they want.

And I do blame the media. Coverage was more fair when it was all about Trump's negatives because there IS a lot more negative NEWS about Trump. As opposed to the manufactured BS about Clinton, much of which isn't even close to new. Of course my view is colored by my position, but I'll bet a magnum of '89 Lynch to a bottle of MD 20/20 that the judgment of election coverage 10 years down the road will bear this out. Unless Trump wins and replaces all Cabinet departments with the Ministry of Truth.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

When the top law enforcement officer in the country writes such a letter to Congress ten days before the election, the media has to report it. Ironically, I think the mainstream media is processing it for what it is -- a political hit job -- and I'm hoping everything will be alright. But, hey, you heard what Nate "The God" Silver said...

I'm going to be fascinated by what this might do in Utah. Wouldn't it be amazing if this Comey stuff caused Utah voters to leave Hillary, but, unable to bring themselves to vote for Trump, go for the Mormon, thereby taking 6 electoral votes from Trump and costing him the presidency? Oh man that would be beautiful.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

No complaints about the media reporting it. But they should be ashamed of the way they portrayed it when they knew or could have easily known that they weren't Clinton's emails. I agree with you that they have fairly rapidly begun to treat this more realistically. Three whole days of "Hillary's emails" could have been devastating and would be even more shameful.

Seeing Utah go for its favorite son would be just desserts indeed.
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Re: President Trump

Post by stefan »

Doesn't the FBI head report to the Attorney General? Why is he going to Chairs of Congressional committees?
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Re: President Trump

Post by Comte Flaneur »

When she becomes President she is going to send drones to take out Comey and the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

So it was recently discovered that Huma used her husband's laptop to send some emails to addresses stored on the infamous server in Chappaqua. Now that the FBI knows that, they need to comb thru those emails to find out that no classified material is in them.

As far as the way all this has been handled by the director, I'm sure Hillary will be happy to accept Comey's letter of resignation on her first day in office.
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