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Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:42 pm
by Nicklasss
Need advices. I receive many bottles I buy in cardboard boxes. I let the bottles in the boxes to store in a cooler (15 Celsius), dark, low to medium humidity level area in my basement.

Is it ok to let the bottles in the cardboard boxes for x number of years, or i get everything out? The boxes because cold and just slightly soft/humid with time, might it damage the wine?

Thanks for any imput you have on that.


Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:54 pm
by jckba
The structural integrity of a cardboard box does deteriorate in cellar conditions over time so I would say it depends. As I would probably not want to stack them as I would an OWC, nor would I put them in an elevated spot but I don’t think it will impact the wine in the bottle in any shape, way or form.

Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 11:16 pm
by Nicklasss
jckba wrote:but I don’t think it will impact the wine in the bottle in any shape, way or form.
This is more my concern jckba.

For the stocking, of course i do it safely/ keep everything in a lower elevation to make sure no problems in time.


Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:06 am
by Claret
I have stored in cardboard in my lockers for years. Be sure to apply plastic tape to the box seams as humidity will weaken the original box glue.

Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:25 am
by JimHow
I think Nicola's concern is more with the issue of whether the cardboard might affect the integrity of the wine itself in the bottle over time.
I asked a similar question a few years back. I was storing some wines in a musty old cellar at my parents house years back and was wondering whether the condition of the cellar could penetrate the corks and impact the wine in the bottles. I remember Tom In DC giving an answer similar to jckba's

Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 1:16 am
by JCNorthway
I stored wine in cardboard boxes in my cellar in Chicago for over 20 years, and I never had any issues with the cardboard affecting a bottle of wine. I think your storage should be fine, Nic.

Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:55 am
by AKR
I would consider humidity, and potential mold damage to labels, if that is a concern as well. And even if that is not a concern for you - in this lifetime - it might be one for survivors, or those dealing with an estate.

If you can store in clean OWC's that would be preferable, but many regions and estates simply don't cooperate with sizing. Given how many OWC's I get rid of each year, I assume OWC should be readily available with a little inquiry/Craigslist/Nextdoor etc. When I lived in NYC (and above a wine store) they gave me any I requested that were destined for trash.

A mouldy smelling wine storage area from soggy cardboard boxes - even if the liquid inside is fine - will affect your enjoyment as well as (any uplanned!) early sales.

Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 4:12 pm
by Nicklasss
Thanks all for the information.

My wine storage isn't perfect and i intend to open most of my bottles at maximum age 20-25 years old. So i guess that even if the cardboard is damage a bit, that should not have an impact on the liquid inside the bottles.


Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 4:40 pm
by Michael-P
I also store in cardboard and never noticed any impacts. I put them on a metal shelving rack units so for most of them they are not stacked on top of one another. MP

Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:26 pm
by Claudius2
I’ve stored wine in cardboard boxes for years without issue except when there is a damp issue with the storage space. I don’t think label or capsule damage is an issue to be honest as even in a damp space the cardboard will largely soak up the humidity. If the cardboard gets wet however it will collapse and thus not suit stacking. My storage holds are temp and humidity controlled in any case.
Back in Australia I stored some wines under the garage and the temp was fine but the damp ruined the boxes thus I needed to use wooden racks.
In short don’t worry unless there are humidity issues and the forks won’t be affected.

Re: Wine in cardboard boxes

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 12:33 am
by Nicklasss
Michael and Claudius, thanks for confirming even more the no risk related to cardboard boxes to keep my best bottles of wine.
