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The sooner we can get firm numbers the better for BWE DC '21

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 11:49 pm
by JimHow
So DavidG has Saturday night well covered.

And our ever reliable Winona Chief is working on Thursday night.

Friday night plans are in the works.

The logistics of things like this are always difficult in even the best of circumstances -- trust me, the devil is in the details -- but, obviously, especially so during these challenging pandemic times.

The DC crew are doing yeoman work.

Let's all help them out as much as we can. We are a little more than a month out from the convention. We need to start getting some hard numbers on attendees. This obviously dictates what our local organizers are negotiating for room size, price, Covid restrictions, etc.

So... To the extent that you can, let's let the local crew know as soon as possible the extent of your participation at each of the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night events.
