When President Obama is re-elected!!

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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by stefan »

In Texas everyone, including the deceased, are allowed to vote, but only once. 'Course the legislature is trying to dissuade certain groups not to exercise their right.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

Watching Morning Joe this morning. Discussing his ambivalence with the results of the IL primary last evening, Joe Scarborough wished out loud that the conservative cause had a real champion in the race, someone like a Jeb Bush or a Chris Christie. Lamenting the current field of candidates, Joe added, "is this the best we can do?" "You know a winner when you see one," he said, implying there isn't one in the race. See Jim, not even Repubs see Romney as a winner!
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Well if Joe Scarborough says it, it MUST be true.... <rolls eyes>

I personally think it is amazing -- and frightening, if you are a Democrat -- that Romney is doing so well in the polls vis-a-vis the president, when he has been in this grueling, ugly, negative primary season for the past six months.

Has there been an incumbent re-elected in modern history with unemployment numbers over 8%? I think not. Even more troubling than the unemployment figures is the fact that the middle class has disappeared and very large segments of the population are earning wages that they can't survive on. I don't see why people would think Obama is so immune from defeat. His party got smoked in the off year elections in Congress, in an electoral catastrophe not seen since 1994. Add on top of that the unparalleled toxicity of the political system, the fact that the Republicans are incredibly motivated, Citizens United, the tenuousness of the swing states, etc., etc., etc., and to me it is clear that it is Obama who is the dead man walking....
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Houndsong »

"Bain Man"

Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman reverse roles in an alternative-universe sequel to the highly entertaining original. Cruise plays the political robo-savant Mitt Romney, who, prompted by Hoffman, nearly unconsciously emits a stream of whatever it is that whomever he's talking to wants to hear, all while wearing a white shirt without a tie.

Follow the brothers on a cross-country trip through Las Vegas towards their ultimate goal, Washington DC and the White House.

"Bain Man" is rated "R" for Republicanism. Now in primary elections across the country.

"Bain Man" copyright 2012 Art Buono. All rights reserved.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

In Kansas they are joined by hitchiking madman Newt Gingrich, captured in an Oscar nominated supporting performance by Christopher Walken, who gained eighty pounds in preparation for the role. Watch as the fun unfolds through the key midwestern swing states....
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Houndsong »

It's too bad there are I think two dead young actors who look a lot like Gingrich. I think one is John Candy and the other is Chirs somebody - Farrell? Farley?

I think I'll call Lorne Michaels with this Bain Man thing. I'm sure he could get Cruise and Hoffman to co-guest host a Bain Man themed SNL.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Houndsong »

He leaves a trail of carried interest wherever he goes ...
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by stefan »

I would even pay to see this movie rather than waiting for it to come out on DVD.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

Any Bain in the ass jokes out there?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Mitt will be the Bain of our existence for the next eight years (and for a generation beyond, when you factor in his conservative U.S. Supreme Court appointments).
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

Maybe independents will be his Bain:
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/e ... ey-by-four
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

President-To-Be Romney's favorability numbers now skyrocketing.
He's up by two points in latest Gallup poll.
It's over for Barack and the Democrats. It's not even going to be close.
Who is the next vice president? I still say it's Rubio, despite his denials to the contrary.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others. By the time I finish my song?

General Election: Romney vs. Obama Gallup Tracking Obama 43, Romney 48 Romney +5

General Election: Romney vs. Obama CNN/Opinion Research Obama 52, Romney 43 Obama +9

General Election: Romney vs. Obama Pew Research Obama 49, Romney 45 Obama +4

General Election: Romney vs. Obama Reuters/Ipsos Obama 47, Romney 43 Obama +4

General Election: Romney vs. Obama ABC News/Wash Post Obama 51, Romney 44 Obama +7

General Election: Romney vs. Obama IBD/CSM/TIPP Obama 46, Romney 38 Obama +8
Florida: Romney vs. Obama PPP (D) Obama 50, Romney 45 Obama +5

North Carolina: Romney vs. Obama PPP (D) Romney 44, Obama 49 Obama +5
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

You're right, Bacchus.... Gallup knows NOTHING about polling! <rolls eyes>

Also, CNN has Romney's favorability up by ten points in like one week.

After the Congressional massacre by the Republicans just a year and a half ago, how can anyone be shocked by a Republican rout this year?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

I'll give you one thing, Jim, Obama's numbers are slipping, even though he is still ahead in most polls. Not sure whether it's a trend or a blip (due to, eg., the woman work at home thing, something related to taxes (the Buffet bill), or something else). It's never a good time to see your guy slipping in the polls, of course, but lets wait another cycle before jumping to conclusions. And as you have reminded me on numerous occasions, those national polls aren't the most important ones. It's the swing states, and Obama seems to be holding his own in most of them.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Ted Nugent says he's going to be dead or in jail if Obama is reelected.
The level of hate out there is amazing.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by stefan »

Ho-hum. Obama in a walk, despite the hatred directed at him from the fringe. Will middle class Americans vote for someone who terms money equal to three times their annual incomes as pocket change and pays less than 14% of his huge adjusted gross income in federal taxes?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

Yes, Jim, the hate is at an amazingly high level. What's it due to? There's been Democrats in the white house before without this sort of hate. Not even Clinton attracted this degree of hate. What's really going on with that?

I saw an interesting fact on the news today (either CNN or MSNBC). They presented a poll in which they asked those who have declared for Romney whether they actually support Romney as a candidate, or if they will support R because they're primarily against Obama. 2/3 said they'll vote for Romney because they're against Obama!! Can a man actually win the presidency solely because of hatred?! I've got 3 dogs that say no way! :mrgreen:
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by DavidG »

Two points, huh? Would that be like an RP 86 vs 88 (meaningless), an RP 89 vs 91 (no-sale vs sale), or an RP 98 vs 100 (both sell, but are valued significantly differently). A couple of points can mean a lot of different things...

There's still a few months for each side to spin and lie as much as humanly possible in order to convince the public that the economy is/isn't taking off/cratering. Wait... did I say "humanly?" This is a Presidential election. We'll be lucky if either side behaves "humanly."
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by stefan »

I cannot understand hating Obama (or Bush, or Clinton, or Bush, or Reagan, or Carter, or Ford). Nixon I can kinda understand (the "imperial presidency" and his earlier witch hunt of communists) and certainly Lyndon (support of the Vietnam war that tore apart this country). But hatred of Obama looks like racism to me, and I think that these days that attitude does not prevail.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by DavidG »

I agree with much of what you say, Stefan, and covert racism could account for some of it, but I think there is an additional angle. We've become more polarized over the past couple of decades, so that what were once "political differences" years ago now verges on "hatred." So I suspect the sentiment would hold for many people regardless of the color of Obama's skin.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Houndsong »

Bain Man must go home to watch Wheel of Fortune now. But he'll be up again early tomorrow with the same Reaganesque hair and smile.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JCNorthway »


I'm in Stefan's camp on this one. While there are stronger oppositional positions taken today from decades ago, if you flip back to the last President Bush, who was only 4 years ago, you did not have the venemous animosity that we see today. I am convinced that It is absolutely race-driven - and I'm basing that on what I see in friends (sort of) and family members who I can observe from a relatively close distance. More generally, I think that a lot of less educated white Americans are really threatened by the changes they have experienced in their employment situation, and they correlate that- possibly subconsiously - with the changing make-up of our society.

I am convinced that there are many people in our country who are somehow threatened by the reality that an African American could actully be elected as President of the United States.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by DavidG »

The venomous animosity got going during the second Clinton administration and really took off when W was elected. It was pretty hard to miss/ignore. Maybe that's just the perspective of one who lives too close to the Beltway, but I don't think so. There were a lot of serious Clinton-haters and W-haters. To blame racism for the opposition to Obama simply ignores the reality of the basic differences in core principles between the left and right in our country, and the vehemence with which each side engages. I don't deny that racism is still alive and may be a factor for some. But if Obama were white I think we'd see pretty much the same public commentary that we have today.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Houndsong »

What worries me more that the racism - and certainly there's some of that - is that the venomous hatred - and there was much from the left directed at Bush - is today backed by not a few people with lots of guns and ammo. We're talking the crowd that believes in resisting service of a lawful search or arrest warrant with deadly force, that caused a shortage of ammunition in the run up to BO's inauguration (plenty of them here, and ironically many of them work for the DoD and the armed forces - go figure). Funny how he did not take away their guns after all. It's one thing to occupy wall street and lampoon Goldman Sachs. It's another to conspire to cause death and great bodily harm to safeguard oneself and one's liberty against a chimera.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by DavidG »

Stefan and Jon - reading your responses more carefully - I didn't mean to claim that racism plays no role, only that it does not appear to be the only or necessarily the predominant factor. I stand by my comment that if Obama were white, the public discourse would be largely unchanged. But private discourse, and how people vote based on what is in their hearts, is of course knowable only to the extent that we know those close to us. I certainly know people that wouldn't vote for a black man. Many of them wouldn't vote for a Democrat regardless of skin color. Which raises the question: Would they vote for a conservative Republican black man? Interesting thought experiment.

Hound - that is a scary thought. Venomous hatred accompanied by guns and ammo and a willingness to entertain the notion of violent resistance against a lawfully elected government just because they don't do things your way is scary indeed.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Romney up by 5 in the Gallup poll, now tied in the NYT/CBS poll. The primary season was indeed deflating Romney's numbers. I honestly don't see how Obama can be reelected in this kind of climate.

How do those Republicans keep doing it? How do they keep coming back? Their numbers are dwindling, they're an aging party, their religiosity is not shared by the vast majority. A majority in the country support abortion rights, but abortion will be illegal in all 50 states within 5 years. They are relentless. They've got a vice hold on the Supreme Court. The electoral map favors them disproportionately. They are 100% unified, while the Democrats are all over the place. They are ruthless thugs to the Democratic kumbayas holding hands singing in circles. After 2008, I thought for sure that with the internet, and younger people getting into the voting population, etc., the neocons were toast. I was wrong.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

Jim, those are national polls. They don't mean a lot, remember. Are there any swing state polls out today?

I must confess, Jim, I don't understand American voting habits. As you say, the Repubs are thugs and bullies. They favour policies that most Americans appear to be against. And they appear to have offended almost every identifiable group in the land, including women, latinos, the poor, the middle class, and afro-americans. But in the end, people still have to vote for them. So the question becomes, why do people vote for them? I genuinely have no idea why anyone would vote for them, not even their own mothers. It escapes me entirely. Do you have any sense of it? Does anyone?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

I think it is as simple as the economy, Bacchus. The public ignores just about everything else. Ask George H.W. Bush. Ask Jimmy Carter. Ask Bob Dole. Barack Obama is going to go down as the next Jimmy Carter.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

I don't know, Jim. I don't want to underplay the role of the economy, but there seems to be so many people willing to vote against their own interests, including their financial interests, especially in the so-called red states. At least that's the take one often hears in the media, not to mention Tom Franks's book. Nevertheless, in your view does that mean Obama still has a chance if the economy were to turn around over the next 7 months?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

The US economy is fundamentally broken. It is broken beyond repair. It is not going to rebound in 7 months. It's not going to rebound for generations, if ever. The middle class has disappeared. The rich are getting exponentially richer, and the middle class are becoming poor. The US is losing its greatness, agonizingly, like a terminally ill patient. There are no quality jobs, just Walmart type jobs, with no benefits and wages that people can't live on. Debt ridden college grads cant get jobs. And the public lashes out at its elected officials in its frustration, even though it is the public that is to blame. The US has become like a chippy Stanley Cup playoff series, where the losing team won't accept it is losing and is resorting to cross checks and fights and head shots, etc. Obama is toast. You think Willie Horton and Swift Boat were bad? We are going to see an ugliness in this campaign that is going to be staggering.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

But if what you say about the american economy is true, why would the public vote for the party that openly and avowedly wants to continue the trend of funnelling the nation's wealth ever more so to the wealthy? I actually don't understand the role of the wealthy in all this; it seems so short sighted and counter-productive. If they destroy the middle class, there no longer is anyone to make them even wealthier. For them to get even more, they need some group or body from which they can get it. If they destroy that body, are they not, in the end, going to have to start feeding off one another?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by DavidG »

Because they make a huge deal about "NO MORE TAXES!" and Joe the plumber believes it will help him.

Because they bloviate about "NO MORE SPENDING!" and Sue the secretary believes it.

Because they say "TRICKLE DOWN WORKS!" with such authority that the average shmoe would rather believe it than try to figure out what it means.

Because when gas is eating up a big chunk of the average guy's paycheck and he or a bunch of people he knows are out of jobs, he can relate to that, and blame the guy in the White House.

To paraphrase Mencken: No one ever lost an election underestimating the intelligence of the American electorate.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

Not done yet guys;

General Election: Romney vs. Obama NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Obama 49, Romney 43 Obama +6
General Election: Romney vs. Obama Quinnipiac Obama 46, Romney 42 Obama +4
General Election: Romney vs. Obama PPP (D) Obama 49, Romney 46 Obama +3
Ohio: Romney vs. Obama FOX News Obama 45, Romney 39 Obama +6
Florida: Romney vs. Obama FOX News Obama 45, Romney 43 Obama +2

I'm increasingly thinking the selection of Romney as the Repub nominee is going to make this fall's election a lot of fun to watch. Just think, the right, the religious right, which normally wants a christian, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman, and who wants to build a fence around the country, especially across its southern border, will have to vote for a mormon who's from a polygamous family and who comes from, of all places, Mexico! My side is splitting!
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

I'm glad you're amused, Bacchus. Myself, I'm going to be sick to my stomach watching Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Sean Hannity, et al, celebrating as the young Republicans sing "Hey, Hey, Goodbye" to One-Term-Barack on election night. What a glorious night that will be for the Republiczn Party as they retain the House, capture the Senate, and capture the presidency....
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by hm$ »

we get the government we deserve.

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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Claret »

I know of a Nevada Rightwinger who is beyond vocal in his hatred of the President. According to him Obama's first name begins with an F based upon the way he always refes to the man. Part of it is racial with his frequent use of the the N word. His main sources of info are Fox News and the local AM station which features Limbaugh and the like. I really feel that Fox has had a huge influence on the population and not in a neutral way. They just fan the flames of discontent.

This gun toting person with a closed mind lives paycheck to paycheck. Maybe he is waiting for weath to trickle down to him from the tax breaks to the rich that he will certainly vote for.

The venomous bumper stickers here can be quite offensive. Harry Reid is a frequent target.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Here is my JimHow prediction, on April 20th, of the electoral college breakdown in November.
270 electors are needed to win.

Barack Obama
ME... 4
NH... 4
VT... 3
MA... 11
NY... 29
RI... 4
CT... 7
NJ... 14
DE... 3
MD... 10
DC... 3
PA... 20
MI... 16
MN... 10
IL... 20
WI... 10
WA... 12
OR... 7
CA... 55
HI... 4
IA... 6

Barack Obama Total: 252

Mitt Romney

VA... 13
WV... 5
NC... 15
GA... 16
FL... 29
AL... 9
MS... 6
AR... 6
LA... 8
TX... 38
OH... 18
IN... 11
KY... 8
TN... 11
MO... 10
OK... 7
KS... 6
NE... 5
SD... 3
ND... 3
MT... 3
WY... 3
CO... 9
NM... 5
UT... 6
AZ... 11
ID... 4
NV... 6
AK... 3

Mitt Romney Total: 286

Mitt Romney wins the U.S. Presidency....
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by DavidG »

Gonna be a big battle for Ohio.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Surprise, surprise.... It all comes down to Ohio and Florida.
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