When President Obama is re-elected!!

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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by stefan »

I never understood the fear of zombies. In Texas we even allow them to vote; heck, they helped my uncle Lyndon get to Washington.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by robertgoulet »

Anyone else predicting a big Romney win?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by tmas »

[quote="AlexR"]It is simply untrue that Obama did not declare the assault on the US consulate a terrorist attack. He did so the next day.
It also seems to be an urban myth on the right that he is somehow responsible for what happened.
Obama later referred to the incident as "a bump in the road", which was a very stupid, unfeeling, and undiplomatic thing to say.
But he cannot be faulted for the lack of preparation in Behghazi or any imagined refusal to acknowledge the deaths as the result of a terrorist attack.
It should be noted that Ambassador Stevens' family asked for this not be turned into a political football.

As for hurricane Sandy, much of this was obviously just for show. As was the photo of Romney taken somewhere passing food along to distribute to people washed out of their homes.
Image. It's all about image.

Alex R.[/quote

Quite simply, that's not true. Obama used the word terror in the rose garden but not in that context, read what he said. Subsequently, and more importantly, he declined to call the attack terrorism whenever asked, including on various TV shows. He apologized to muslims for a video that was not produced by the US government, while failing to point out that we as a nation believe in freedom of speech and condemn mayhem and murder as a response to the exercising of that freedom. Hillary Clinton, the ambassador to the UN, that clown of a press secretary, and others were sent out to claim it was a spontaneous reaction to the "video". Obama's "investigation" is designed to obscure what was known and who knew it until after the election.

As far as responsibility, Obama was the president, which is where the buck stops. There were numerous clearly ominous signs that the embassy was woefully inadequately protected. The British had left, I believe we were the only embassy still in Benghazi. Requests for proper security were ignored. The Americans died either in the interests of supporting the narrative of "terrorism back on it's heals", or because of gross incompetence by the Obama administration. Either way, they shouldn't have died.

Now, let's see what wine shall I pull for my victory celebration tonight?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

CNN says much higher voting in Cleveland than 4 years ago.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Chateau Vin »

tmas wrote:
AlexR wrote:It is simply untrue that Obama did not declare the assault on the US consulate a terrorist attack. He did so the next day.
It also seems to be an urban myth on the right that he is somehow responsible for what happened.
Obama later referred to the incident as "a bump in the road", which was a very stupid, unfeeling, and undiplomatic thing to say.
But he cannot be faulted for the lack of preparation in Behghazi or any imagined refusal to acknowledge the deaths as the result of a terrorist attack.
It should be noted that Ambassador Stevens' family asked for this not be turned into a political football.

As for hurricane Sandy, much of this was obviously just for show. As was the photo of Romney taken somewhere passing food along to distribute to people washed out of their homes.
Image. It's all about image.

Alex R.[/quote

Quite simply, that's not true. Obama used the word terror in the rose garden but not in that context, read what he said. Subsequently, and more importantly, he declined to call the attack terrorism whenever asked, including on various TV shows. He apologized to muslims for a video that was not produced by the US government, while failing to point out that we as a nation believe in freedom of speech and condemn mayhem and murder as a response to the exercising of that freedom. Hillary Clinton, the ambassador to the UN, that clown of a press secretary, and others were sent out to claim it was a spontaneous reaction to the "video". Obama's "investigation" is designed to obscure what was known and who knew it until after the election.

As far as responsibility, Obama was the president, which is where the buck stops. There were numerous clearly ominous signs that the embassy was woefully inadequately protected. The British had left, I believe we were the only embassy still in Benghazi. Requests for proper security were ignored. The Americans died either in the interests of supporting the narrative of "terrorism back on it's heals", or because of gross incompetence by the Obama administration. Either way, they shouldn't have died.

Now, let's see what wine shall I pull for my victory celebration tonight?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Okay hunkering down in JimHow Election Central.

Early exit polling looking good for the president but I remember 2004 like it was yesterday, when John Kerry was doing well into the late afternoon. I thought Sean Hannity on the radio was going to cry, but he had the last laugh that night.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Houndsong »

Savannah Guthrie has Blue eye shadow and Red lip gloss. I've fed that bit of information into the model.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Lol. It's getting down to the nitty gritty.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Houndsong »

A quick note to Brian Williams: The polls close in Colorado at 7:00 pm, not 9:00 pm. I am sensing an eastern, liberal, media-elite agenda to this election coverage.

I've known for a while now what that Great American Curt Gowdy first observed about "the forgotten time zone": "Nine Eastern, eight Central and Pacific."
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Good grief, it's close in Florida.
A lot of votes still to count in south Florida.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Looking at the electoral map at 9:23 eastern time.

Guess what:

It's all about Ohio.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Fox just called Wisconsin for Obama.

Looking at the electoral map at 9:45 pm, giving Romney every benefit of the doubt in FL, CO, and VA, Obama will win if he wins Ohio and Nevada.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Florida is going to be really, really close.
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by Bacchus »

NBC just calls Ohio for Obama! Obama is the 44th President of the USA.

Fox too!
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by DavidG »

Time to change the title of this thread, Jim?
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Re: When President Romney takes office....

Post by JimHow »

Great idea, Dave!

A great night!
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Blanquito »

The polls were incredibly accurate... after all... once again... (Rasmussen excluded)... So much for all that mainstream bias out there...

Dick and Karl, might wanna make an big omelet with all that SuperPAC egg all over your faces...
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Bacchus »

I'm watching Carl Rove claim that Fox has called Ohio too early, and that Romney is closing the gap! He also said that no network other than Fox has called Ohio (think about that for a moment). Maybe he check NBC and CNN, both of which have called Ohio for Obama!
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by JimHow »

Watching Fox too.
These guys are unbelievable.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by JimHow »

Virginia is the only state keeping me from my 332-206 projection!
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Bacchus »

Doesn't this make Obama a 2 term president?!
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by JimHow »

Are you watching the Karl Rove circus on Fox?
God this little man is pathetic.

Congratulations to all true Republicans on a great campaign.
And thanks to all our BWE friends here, Democratic, Republican, and otherwise, for a great, civil discussion here in the past year!
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Bacchus »

MSNBC reports that Romney is not conceding Ohio!
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Bacchus »

I probably wouldn't concede either to tell you the truth -- only 11,000 vote between them at this point.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Bacchus »

OMG, difference now is only 1500 votes -- hang on to your seats folks.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by JimHow »

Bacchus... deep breath....

Obama is now ahead in Virginia.

Obama is also going to win Ohio and Florida.

Obama is going to win an electoral college landslide, 332-206.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Bacchus »

Love to read your confidence, Jim. Last time I checked Virginia Romney was in the lead. I read one twitter feed which claims that Jeb Bush has informed the Romney campaign that they have lost FL.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by JimHow »

Even if Romney were to win Ohio, Virginia, AND Florida -- which he is NOT -- he would STILL lose!

Good grief.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Bacchus »

Where's your sense of drama, Jim!

I'm disappointed with Indiana, ruining that nice blue ring around the great lakes. :-)
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Bacchus »

The Daily Beast is now giving CO and NV to Obama, giving him 290 electoral college votes. So Ohio is no longer necessary.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by JimHow »

That's exactly right.
With Colorado in our column, it is mathematically impossible for Romney to win.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by tmas »

Well, I'm sure Russia is very happy. Obama can cave in to them now that he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected. Personally I don't consider myself as having a president. The man who won has nothing but disdain for a small business person like myself, especially one of my heritage. What he perhaps hasn't fully taken into account is that people like me who work 8 to 11 hours a day 6 or 7 days a week generate a lot of jobs and taxes. When that sort of effort just pays for the bills and taxes, more and more people will walk away from those businesses they "didn't build". That will probably make the man who won happy, until one day he wakes up to the fact that there are far too few folks around to fund his Santa Claus state.

Probably time to go for early retirement with lower expectations. Become a sponge, get my monthly social security check. Maybe the man who won will have more respect for me as a taker. I'll go fishing, and the man who won can continue to strip the "rich", insure the pauperization of future generations of Americans, weaken our defenses, and apologize to anyone who'll listen for our "Americanness".

Oh, and better drink up those $500. bottles of Bordeaux, they're probably coming up for redistribution, after all, why should you be drinking that sort of stuff when others can only afford Swiss Colony California Chianti. Time for a new man who won catch phrase..."You Don't Need That!"
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by robertgoulet »

wow, I am really surprised so much momentum here over '08 and didn't do a thing....all I can say is....like joseph stalin and ghandi...cult of personality and a killer ground game...
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by AlexR »


Your account of (the once and future) President Obama’s reactions after the Benghazi attack is a flagrant example of misinformation perpetrated by the same people who insist that he was not born in the US, think he is a Muslim, and God knows what else. No, Obama cannot be faulted for the things you claim. Just sour grapes. It is totally absurd to blame Obama for the attack in Libya, as though the president is to be held personally responsible for the security in hundreds of embassies and consulates around the world! Using the “buck stops here” reasoning, you can blame the head guy for anything. Why not Hurricane Sandy, while you’re at it?
In your anti-Obama tirade, you go on to say, “Well, I'm sure Russia is very happy. Obama can cave in to them now that he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected”. I don’t know if you noticed, but the cold war is over. Suspecting the president of colluding with the Russians went out ages ago.
What makes you think that Obama has “disdain for a small business person like yourself”? And what is the heritage you speak of?
I, too, have a small business, but I do not glorify egotism. I’m willing to pay employer and employee taxes to help my fellow man. But not the Department of Defense.
As for the “stripping of the rich”, there is no need to worry. In no other great country are they so pampered as in the United States.

>>>Now, let's see what wine shall I pull for my victory celebration tonight?

A good bottle of Bordeaux would be excellent!

Hey, the American people re-elected George W. Bush. God knows why. We suffered, the image of the United States went down the tubes, and the budget deficit grew into a gaping hole. But that was the will of the people.
Dammit, it's the anti-Obama clan's turn to grin and bear it. That's only fair.

Alex R.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by JScott »

Morning after assessment....

Obama wins popular vote and electoral very comfortably. There can be no claims of fraud or shenanigans. The verdict is clear. Dems retain the Senate and GOP the House, though many moderates in the House on both sides lost, making this chamber, if anything, more polarized. So this morning, superficially, nothing is different.

Jim, regarding your assessment of the Republican Party, I agree with your analysis, but maybe not your conclusions. Undoubtedly, they have some soul searching to do this morning. It seems clear, as you say, that a majority of the electorate is moving away from them. I'm not so sure the prescription is to move to the left, though. Becoming more Democrat only gives people less of a reason to vote for them. If I want Bordeaux, I don't want Shiraz that's trying to emulate Bordeaux; I'll take Bordeaux. Furthermore, there is a still significant base that strongly identifies with them that they will lose in the process.

And there is the rub going forward. There is a great, yawning chasm in this country over social and fiscal issues that is going to be extremely difficult to solve. A significant (though now clearly minority) block of the population viscerally, thoroughly disagrees with the Democrat prescription. The people have spoken, and it is clear with whom lies the majority, but this doesn't mean that the minority are going to wake up this morning and change their minds. They don't want compromise, despite the punditry. Tmas expresses this sentiment accurately. It isn't going to go away this morning or this year. The challenge today may actually lie with the democrats. Simply expecting this group to fall in line because of a "mandate" would be the mistake every winning party seems to make any more.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by DavidG »

I think Republicans are going to have to pick their spots but it's going to be tough, for the reasons Scott notes. They could shift portions of their agenda to try to attract women or Hispanics (the two most critical demographics they need if they want to win national elections) while still retaining the fiscal conservative/small government message. That would alienate a significant chunk of their base. In addition, the politics that elects the House is still pretty local, so what plays nationally may not sell in the towns and counties. There are lots of Republicans smarter than me who may figure out a way. My fear is that their solution will be more-of-the-same no-compromise recalcitrance, driving us off the fiscal cliff and into another recession, relishing the thought of using that as ammunition in the next election rather than working to fix the economy.

I'm not convinced by the debt-whiners. You don't starve a recession, you feed it. We learned that lesson the hard way in the 30s. The experience over the past 4 years has shown that massive spending CAN avoid disaster. Since we don't have an alternative universe to see what would have happened if we hadn't bailed out the banks and the auto industry and we didn't spend trillions, I can't prove that any more than the (mistaken, or course) crowd that thinks the turnaround from massive job losses to modest job gains is a failure compared to the results they would have acheived.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by JimHow »

Scott: If the Republican Party cannot change, it will die.
They lost senate seats -- again -- because they put up not just far right, but just plain loony candidates. Again. Just last like last time, when they put up a crazy witch in Delaware, and just like four years ago, when they put up a vile, hate-filled, beyond shallow phony from Alaska for the second highest office in the country.
The Republican Party of today is on the wrong side of history.
It bows to Rush Limbaugh, who non-chalantly calls a young female law student a slut.
Or Bill O'Reilly, who all but calls for the assassination of abortion doctors, and who feigns outrage because a little hole in the wall a few blocks from Ground Zero suggests it is a "mosque"-- oh, the horror.
The Republicans are the party of Karl Rove -- who put on about as pathetic a display last night at about midnight, trying to question those Ohio numbers in the face of all rational evidence to the contrary, including that presented by his own bosses at Fox.
Where was Sean Hannity last night? Didn't see him around. This is the guy who promised the Romney landslide.
Or the blowhard Dick Morris, who did the same.
Please, Republicans... Give us MORE of Michelle Bachmann, and Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum.
Is Paul Ryan 'the new face" of the Republican Party?
I can only hope!
Please... Give us MORE Donald Trump!
Give us more of these nasty old white men like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and John McCain.
And Glenn Beck.
Give us MORE of Sheriff Arpaio, not less!
The younger generations, Scott, are tolerant of gay rights. And they believe that a woman should have a right to choose what to do with her body. And they simply aren't as horrified by immigration as is the right.
They are tired of the phony, self righteous blowhards like Reince Prebius...
One of the beauties of this election for me was the repudiation of Big money.
Wonder how the Koch Brothers are feeling today.
Fox News will not change, because the current model makes money.
People aren't buying the bullshit, Scott.
With all due respect, because I know you feel strongly about this issue, but people just don't buy the Fox News argument that, because some terrorists killed our ambassador in Libya, Barack Obama is engaged in some big coverup of Watergate proportions.
Scott, in the end, the public saw through Mitt Romney:
He's a bull shitter.
He said literally ANYTHING to get elected.
He's a phony.
And he got his phony rich ass kicked from sea to shining sea.
This is NOT the Republican Party of the past, the party that called for fiscal responsibility and moderation to the right of center.
This Republican Party is controlled by ultra radicals.
If they continue to demean women with comments about "legitimate rape," and if they keep saying children of immigrants should be deported, and if they continue to toe the line that not a DOLLAR of new revenues can be raised from the rich while we cut food from the most poor and desperate in a society... if they continue to pledge to Grover Norquist... well, then, they will lose. They will die.
God, I'd love to listen in on that conference call between Karl and the koch brothers.
Why did Obama win?
You know, in the end, he was the better man.
Everyone talk about that first debate.
well, yes he sucked.
But you know something?
He and Joe kicked ass in the next three debates.
This race was NEVER close.
A year ago, when I started this thread, I thought Romney could win.
But when I took a closer look at the electoral college, I realized, like Nate Silver, that there really was no way Obama could lose. the country has simply changed. The Republican party is living in the 1950s. This is 2012.
And it's not Chris Christie's fault, or Sandy's fault, or that Romney was too cautious, or not conservative enough, etc., etc., etc.
And it's NOT the "lamestream" media.
If anything, the lamestream media told a big lie in favor of Romney in the end... that this was a "tight" race. It was NEVER a tight race. This incumbent was going to win, no matter what.

You kow what else is a little disturbing?
How accurate the polls were.
Kudos to all these pollsters, they had it almost exactly right!
And in the end, they had Obama winning just about every swing state... consistently.
When I saw Pew go with Obama 50-47% on Monday morning, and then ABC with Obama 50-47% on Monday night, I knew it was over. I knew Obama was coming out of the weekend, post-sandy, surging. That's when I moved first Virginia and Colorado, and then finally Florida, into the Obama column.
332-206. Game over.

Anyway, it will be fascinating to watch the republican response. they have a woman problem. And they have a latino problem. Big time.
They are the party of the past, the party of circus clowns like Trump, Hanity, Bachmann, Palin, Beck, Limbaugh....
They'll still score their occasional victories.
But unless they become something VERY different, they will die.
Meantime, Obama moves on.
He'll be stymied by the eric Cantors of the GOP.
But he'll get to pick 1-3 moderate left supreme court justices.
And Roe will survive for another generation.
And fox will continue to make money.
And... oh... "Obamacare" will be fully implemented!

for at least the next four years, anyway, we'll have left of center moderation on social issues.
Hey, I'm opposed to Obama's "stimulus" spending.
And we MUST tackle the debt.
But the rich need to do their fair share too, not just the poor and middle class.

I've won campaigns and I've lost campaigns.
When you win you are at the highest mountain, when you lose you are in the deepest valley.
I just can't have much sympathy for this Republican Party.
we've had to listen to a lot of shit over the past two years: Birth certificates; socialism; Obama is a muslim, etc., etc.
well, by an overwhelming victory, the American public said a resounding ENOUGH to all that blowhard bullshit.

And damn, it feels good this morning.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Houndsong »

I'm feeling pumped this morning. That was a lot of pushups, though I stopped when Ohio was called. Anyway Colorado, I've done my job, now it's on to Hawaii for a while.

I can't subscribe to the mindset, expressed occasionally, that it is time for hard-working Americans to become a sponges. Sponges have a brief, dirty existence, after which they are discarded.

Everyone on this board is successful, some to a very great degree. This success has been accomplished under governance regimes, regardless of which party has been in power - sometimes in as complete power as our Constitution permits - that have actually varied very little over the past 80 years in respect of taxes, regulatory structure and the percentage of government sector spending relative to GDP. When I hear that persons who have literally amassed a billion dollars of wealth or more under this regime are now unhappy with it and say they are going to "stand down" it just makes me think there's that much more room at the top for people who do aspire to the American dream. And there are a lot of us out there. My advice: like Sachel Paige said, don't look back.
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Re: When President Obama is re-elected!!

Post by Claudius2 »

Congratulations to Barack Obama for his win.
Along with the rest of the world I clap his victory.

Well I'm pumped too - just spent 2 hrs in the gym!
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