President Trump

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Re: President Trump

Post by RDD »

JimHow wrote:Biden-Warren?
Thinking same thing.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Comte Flaneur »

Hilllary said 'sorry'


In financial markets we call that a multiple standard deviation event...

Her campaign must be in real, deep, trouble

Has she ever said sorry before? I don't think it is in the Clintons' vocabulary.

The closest Bill ever got I think was this:

"Indeed I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong ... I misled people, including even my wife. I deeply regret that."
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Re: President Trump

Post by Jay Winton »

RDD wrote:
JimHow wrote:Biden-Warren?
Thinking same thing.
I'm not sure Joe has it in him and would Warren see a benefit in running on a ticket that will need major league bucks to have a chance??? The worm continues to turn.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Well, the Veep candidate won't be selected til after the nomination has been secured, at which point money is not an issue.
I'm just really struggling to envision Hillary winning the whole ball of wax. And for me it's not even the email issue.
She just seems like the same old same old.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Good article on The Donald in today's Rolling Stone: ... 909?page=3
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Re: President Trump

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yes, worth reading.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Well, I give Lindsay Graham the nod in the preliminary debate, although he's still not going anywhere.
Hopefully this will be about the last we have to suffer through Rick Santorum, please, Rick, just go away….
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Ooohh that Trump-Fiorina moment….
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Jesus, when is this debate gonna be over?
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Re: President Trump

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Okay there's still a half hour left in the debate but my assessments:

First Debate:
George Pataki: Had a good little moment against Santorum defending the Supreme Court over religiosity but I suspect he'll be dropping out soon.
Rick Santorum: This dude is vile, please just go away.
Bobby Jindal: Laughable.
Lindsay Graham: Had a good night. I'm not a big fan of this puke but he was funny, knowledgeable, the clear winner of the first debate.

Second Debate:
Rand Paul: His problem is the twirp factor. He's a runt. Had some decent moments, especially during his anti-war and marijuana stands. He'll probably survive after tonight but his poll numbers probably won't go over 5%.
Mike Huckabee: Booooring. He'll get some votes in Iowa and SC, but he'll be out pretty much after the third primary.
Marco Rubio: As I've said many times before: I can't stomach this guy. He is the ultimate politician phony. He had a few of his usual young Kennedy moments but is getting lost in the crowd. I'm really glad to hear he's not running for reelection to the senate. He's having a strong last quarter of the debate, so I'm sure we'll be stuck with him for a while.
Ted Cruz: Articulate, will appeal to his crowd but he's going nowhere. He's unelectable, even in the crazy Republican party, except in Tey-xas.
Ben Carson: I can't figure out what the appeal is with this weirdo.
Donald Trump: I mean, let's face it, this guy is a maniac. The crowd was not warm to him. He got hit hard by several candidates, especially in the first half. I think his creepy misogynistic comments are gonna come back and bite him in the end, especially now that there's a woman on the stage. It'll be interesting to see how his poll numbers move after this debate. I suspect he will have "won" the debate but his poll numbers will go down slightly in the week ahead. Very creepy little moment there between he and Fiorina.
Jeb Bush: Not a good night for Jeb, although he did better in the second half. He'll be in the hunt because of his money. I kind of feel bad for him because I think he is generally a good, well-intentioned guy. He's got kind of an endearing shyness. I'd never vote for him, of course, but I like him.
Scott Walker: Good grief, what do people see in this lightweight? Another unexciting performance, hopefully he'll be fading off soon.
Carly Fiorina: She will come out as a winner in this debate. She had a better first half, especially when she was taking on Trump. I still don't think she can win but she'll get some more buzz from this debate, perhaps not as much as the first time. She really needs to learn how to smile.
John Kasich: I know some people think he's moderate because of his demeanor but most people who follow politics know better. He's not going to be able to break from the pack.
Chris Christie: What a phony.

In the end I think Jeb will win the nomination, with Rubio second. Hard to predict when Trump and Carson will fade off. Fiorina will stick around for awhile but she can't win the Republican nomination. Paul will get his delegates as well.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JCNorthway »


Thanks for the color commentary - fun to read your take on things. I suspect it is fairly accurate. I think things will start to get more interesting as we get into the fall and heavy activity and attention focused on Iowa and New Hampshire.

On the other side of the aisle, did the "sorry" statement really cause the email thing to fade? Seems like I've not seen it in the news since. Just curious because I've been saying that it is going to keep haunting her candidacy.
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Re: President Trump

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I've thought all along that Hillary's problems are bigger than the email issue Jon. She'd better get her act together. She'll probably win the nomination just because of how the process is skewed in favor of someone like her: super-delegates, Super Tuesday, money, etc. Bernie could win both Iowa and NH but its hard to see him winning in the south, New York, Kalifornia, Texas, Florida, etc.
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Re: President Trump

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You're a brave man to watch 5 hours of debate! Kasich made the best comment when he said he would turn off the tv if he was watching!
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Re: President Trump

Post by stefan »

I skipped the debate. I thought about DVRing it, but decided that I would not watch it even at 5x speed, which is the fastest I can FF with my sorry Suddenlink apparatus. So thanks for the Readers' Digest version, BD.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I didn't realize the second debate was going to be like 3 hours, whose idea was that? It was too much.
I see Rubio is getting a buzz, he is the one who scares me the most from the Republicans.
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Re: President Trump

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I just looked at a picture of Carly on Yahoo. She looks like the wicked witch of the west with hair dyed blond.
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Re: President Trump

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OTOH, Trump looks like, and acts like, a doofus.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Does anyone here seriously believe Clinton will not be the next president? I believe it's simply a matter of demographics and getting out the vote. Sorry to pour cold water on all the Republican sizzle.

The Congress, however, that's a different matter.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Trump still way ahead in yesterday's NBC poll. Amazing.
You're probably right, Hound, but I don't think it's a slam dunk for the Hillster.
Watch out for Rubio.
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Re: President Trump

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Ha Chris Matthews just predicted that Marco Rubio is gonna be the nominee. I agree.
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Re: President Trump

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Scott Walker: Good grief, what do people see in this lightweight? Another unexciting performance, hopefully he'll be fading off soon.
And then there were fourteen….
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Re: President Trump

Post by Chateau Vin »

JimHow wrote:Ha Chris Matthews just predicted that Marco Rubio is gonna be the nominee. I agree.
I predict Fiorina would be the GOP nominee...
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Re: President Trump

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Interesting. So you think a woman can win the Republican nomination.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Chateau Vin »

JimHow wrote:Interesting. So you think a woman can win the Republican nomination.
I think it is very much possible this time... Not that republican voters will be happy with it, but what can I say, the competition is like that...

I don't think eventually GOP voters at this point will give the nod to Carson unfortunately because of color. Trump will keep on shooting himself in the foot and people will get tired of his antics. It's difficult for paul to get the votes from the north, west or parts of south other than midwest and ohio valley region. Christie too brash and less conservative for most of GOP and the rest will fall on the wayside. Fiorina has barely any baggage other than corporate baggage ( atleast for now ), and if Hillary is likely to get the dem nomination, GOP might well settle for a woman... Just my 2 cents...
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Re: President Trump

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Well you may be right, that would be interesting to see two women running against each other. There's a lot about the way the nominating processes are structured that benefit heavily the conventional candidates.
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Re: President Trump

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Just stunning that two of the top candidates for the GOP nomination (at this point) are so open espousing prejudice. A very sad day for our country!
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Re: President Trump

Post by RDD »

Jay Winton wrote:Just stunning that two of the top candidates for the GOP nomination (at this point) are so open espousing prejudice. A very sad day for our country!

Worked good in Germany.
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Re: President Trump

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There is nobody in the country right now who worries me more than Marco Rubio.
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Re: President Trump

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The debate tonight: Bern Baby Bern!
Hillary doing okay too
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

This debate is nowhere near as fun as the GOP's.
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Re: President Trump

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I wish Don Lemon were moderating instead Anderson.
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Re: President Trump

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Every time you want to like Hillary she just goes into Bill Clinton blah blah blah mode. But, hey, I guess it worked for her hubby.
I'm just trying to visualize her against the inevitable GOP nominee, Marco Rubio. She may hold up okay, as long as she doesn't go ol' Bill on us in debates.

In the end Bernie is the best, but he doesn't have a chance due to the structural impediments of the Democratic nomination process.
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Re: President Trump

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Oh Jesus Christ, Hillary is yapping beyond her time limit bout her "Five Point Economic Plan."
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Re: President Trump

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Sorry, Tom, Chris, Vino, Dave, et al, this MD gov guy is pretty damned lightweight.
I'm sure he was a great mayor of Baltimore.
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Re: President Trump

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Hillary: Shut Up. Please. Just shut the fuck up.
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Re: President Trump

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She really needs to stop this business of rambling on past her 90 second time limit….
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Re: President Trump

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Disappointed in my man Jim Webb tonight, I thought he would have done a lot better.
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Re: President Trump

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Hillary's answers strong on immigration. She knows where her bread is buttered.
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Re: President Trump

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Hillary has been strong tonight.
Her poll numbers will go up after tonight.
Bernie was strong as well.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Wow! Hillary knocking it out of park on family leave.
Best moment in her campaign yet.
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