President Trump

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Re: President Trump

Post by Tom In DC »

I don't understand why Maryland has any Republican delegates. Come November, Bernie Madoff could be the Democratic candidate and win the state handily.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Haha, I first read that as Bernie Sanders, though you are no doubt correct that even Bernie Madoff would carry the state if he were the Democratic nominee!

Then again, we do have a Republican governor. No one saw that coming.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Maybe the Donald can win outright after all? Still looks tight, but this makes it sound doable: ... ctionfront
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Holy cow, two polls today from Indiana (the first in ages) show Trump with a 6-8 pt lead. Another poll gives him a 27 pt lead in California! He does solidly in Indiana, holds that lead in CA, and this could be his!
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

His new team seems to have him back on track.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

The media must be quivering with anticipation. A Trump-Clinton general election would be all-time flash and trash.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Gosh, things have changed in a hurry in the Republican nominating contest. The narrative went from a contested convention coming to Trump cruisin' to a (close) victory outright. Nothing like a great night in NY and a bevy of new polling data showing Trump ahead in every important contest remaining. It will be interesting to see if the new Cruz-Kasich alliance makes any difference.

Nate Cohn, NYTIMES:
"Here’s an overlooked fact about the Republican race: Right now, all of the polls are consistent with a finish of 1,237 or more pledged delegates for Donald Trump and an outright nomination victory, without a contested convention.

That’s because Mr. Trump leads by a comfortable margin in all of the polls in Indiana and California, which would give him the nomination when added to the delegates that everyone expects him to win
." ... ctionfront
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

It's going to be another big night for the big man tomorrow. Cruz and Kasich are pathetic, trying to job the system to keep Trump from 1237.
When even Koch is saying a Democrat might be better, you know things are pretty bad for the GOP.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Ha I see he called them pathetic today. Great minds think alike...

It really is pathetic.
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Re: President Trump

Post by stefan »

The Grand Old Party is pathetic. What a shame.

I blame Mitt Romney. His was the presidency to lose. Suppose he had avoided one blunder about half the population does not count (an incredibly stupid statement, even if that is not exactly what he said) and trumpeted his tax returns, saying, "Look, this is all the law makes me pay. We must close these loopholes so that rich people like me pay at least as much, on a percentage basis, as every middle class American". He would have won in a walk.

Notice that Trump did not make the same mistakes. If he had, he would have been long gone by now.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Jay Winton »

stefan wrote:The Grand Old Party is pathetic. What a shame.

I blame Mitt Romney. His was the presidency to lose. Suppose he had avoided one blunder about half the population does not count (an incredibly stupid statement, even if that is not exactly what he said) and trumpeted his tax returns, saying, "Look, this is all the law makes me pay. We must close these loopholes so that rich people like me pay at least as much, on a percentage basis, as every middle class American". He would have won in a walk.

Notice that Trump did not make the same mistakes. If he had, he would have been long gone by now.
I'm still waiting for Trump's returns. Why hasn't there been more of an outcry on this??
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I've never gotten uptight about candidates releasing tax returns.
Like Mark Cuban says, it's none of our business.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

So it is going to be Donald J. Trump against Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Donald will represent the right wing in the country, the one thing that gives you hope if you support him is that he "hasn't even begun to go after Hillary yet." See Bush, Rubio, Cruz, Paul, Fiorina, etc., etc.
Hillary will have the advantage because the demographics will be in her favor. It will be hard to see her losing Virginia, Colorado, Arizona. She won't likely lose Florida and Ohio but even if she did, she'll still win if she wins Virginia and most of those other states. The demographics seem to be significantly in favor of Hillary because of the female and latino vote. There has to be at least a 75% likelihood that she will win.
The wildcard is whether he can do to Hillary/Bill what he did to Jeb/Rubio/Cruz/Fiorina/Paul.
I say Bill/Hill and the demographics trump Trump in the general.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

You're right Jim and I was wrong-- I now think Trump will be the nominee, winning it outright on the first ballot. It will be close -- and losing Indiana could seriously complicate things -- but it looks like he'll get enough delegates that the party will coalesce behind him (and indeed the GOP establishment has softened its tone towards the Donald of late). They don't really have much of a choice at this point, especially with Kasich's lame showing tonight.

Trump v Hillary. Whomever wins Virginia is the next president of the United States, so get ready to break in the term "Madame President".
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Totally agree. It's all about Virginia.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Here he is, he won big tonight. Clinched the nomination. And yet, he is doing this "press conference" that is droning on forEVER….
Where is the DISCIPLINE?
Where is the press secretary who say, "last question"?
It is amazing how this guy has pulled this off, with a totally undisciplined campaign….
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

This guy is out of control!
Look at Christie behind him… What the hell am I doing here?
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Did you hear/see his recent rally where he (briefly) chanted along with the crowd "lyin' Ted, lyin' Ted, lyin' Ted"? Awesome, boggling stuff.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

From a 538 blogger:
"Carl Bialik 10:35 PM... The prediction markets agree with the conventional wisdom that a Trump-Clinton general-election matchup is looking more likely after tonight. According to Election Betting Odds, which uses data from Betfair, Trump is up to a 75 percent chance to win the Republican nomination, from 70 percent a day ago. And Clinton continues her march toward clinching, up to a 95 percent chance from 94 percent yesterday. The Clinton-Trump matchup continues to look favorable for Democrats according to bettors, who give the party a 75 percent chance of holding on to the White House."
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

What's going on at the White House.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Just watched Cruz-Fiorina. Weird. Awkward.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Cruz-Fiorina. At least we know that if elected, there will be no sex in the White House.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

NOT an image I wanted, Art!!!
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Re: President Trump

Post by Harry C. »

Same if Hillary wins! (At least by the president)
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Harry C. wrote:Same if Hillary wins! (At least by the president)
Not so fast. She may pick Liz Warren for Veep.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Look, as a red blooded man who spent 45 minutes alone in a room with Hillary back in 1991 -- let's see, if my math is correct, that would have made her about 44, and I would have been about 32 -- wow -- I was so innocent then-- I was just a plaything to her, really, I realize now -- one or both of her hands touched my left knee at least a half dozen times -- all I have to say is you guys don't know what you are talking about.
She is a sexual animal. A dynamo. As long as I live, I'll never forget walking her back to the car… holding the door for her as she got in the back seat… she gave a little wave to me through the window… the hallmark headband firmly in place… our eyes met one last time, in eternal longing… as the car slowly rolled away….
We will always have Lewiston….
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Ok, that settles it. Jim and Hillary is a much more attractive image than Ted and Fiorina.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

And I haven't even talked about what went on when I led her into the gymnasium….
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Have you seen those latest poll numbers out of Indiana.
Trump is smoking Cruz, and he's beating Hillary.
Gulp, he may be the next president.
You know, I just can't bring myself to support Hillary.
I may end up being one of those Bernie supporters who decides he can't go with her.
If I weren't so nervous about the Supreme Court I would say, hey, let The Donald get in there, see what kind of havoc he can wreak upon this corrupt system for four years.
And in the end I think he actually has the potential to be a moderate in Supreme Court nominations, I just don't think we can risk it.
What a choice:
A political hack beholden to Wall Street who votes for war, against bankruptcy reform, the death penalty, against gay rights, and whatever else the polls tell her is popular at the time, but who is progressive on women's issues, would nominate moderate left justices, protect Obamacare, etc.,
A guy who wants to build a wall, keep out all Muslims, carpet bomb ISIS, destroy Obamacare, is a severe narcissist, etc., but has a certain appeal to the 99%, has an economic message that appeals to places like Flint, Akron, and Lewiston, doesn't appear beholden to the moneyed interests, and at leasts presents the possibility, however, slight, of tearing down the current corrupt, broken system of legalized bribes.
I may just stay home on election day!
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Re: President Trump

Post by Antoine »

Could Trump nominate his latest wife to the Supreme Court or has it to be a professional?
I mean, if we get a clown as US president, why not get a sexy lady for Supreme Judge? With a supreme whip?
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Re: President Trump

Post by Comte Flaneur »

I would find it hard to vote for Hillary too. She is so unprincipled. I would have to hold my nose while voting.

Meanwhile Trump is playing the anti-establishment card skilfully. The Cruz-Kasich alliance seems to have backfired spectacularly because it reeks of the establishment closing ranks. Which is exactly what is going on.
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Re: President Trump

Post by stefan »

The Cruz-Kasich alliance seems to have backfired spectacularly because it reeks of the establishment closing ranks.

Except that Cruz is as anti-establishment as they come.

Usually in a presidential campaign if you take the union of the good points of the leading candidates you have an outstanding presidential prospect. This year if you union all the good points you still end up with a lousy person for president.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JScott »

stefan wrote: Usually in a presidential campaign if you take the union of the good points of the leading candidates you have an outstanding presidential prospect. This year if you union all the good points you still end up with a lousy person for president.

We have finally reached a point where no decent person wants the job.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Bernie is officially pissing me off. He's become the cranky old guy it always seemed he could be. I looks like he's trying on tinfoil hats for size, too.

Whatever Hillary's many shortcomings (top of my list is seemingly letting her consultants all too often drive her message and decisions), she's no Mussolini like Trump is/wants to be. Sure, Trump could just be play acting, but based on what we know, he is a very scary guy and for my (admittedly Democratic) mileage, it is no contest between boring-establishment Hillary and that guy.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Geez I think the Democratic campaign has been incredibly clean.
I mean, this isn't backgammon they're playing here.
What is Bernie doing that is so harsh?
What Bernie is doing is pattie cakes compared to what Trump and the Republican Party are gonna do to her and Billy.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Definitely Jim, the GOP has been much, much rougher than the Dems, but I expected more from him. Bernie is totally toast at this stage, even without super delegates. Rather than shift to a message focus given this reality, he is doubling-down on the character attacks ("Hillary is unqualified to be president"), scandal ruck-making ("release the transcripts!"), whining by his surrogates that the election being stolen, claims that closed primaries are undemocratic when his campaign's success is nearly been all about dominating caucus which are by design incredibly low turnout and run by insiders with no day jobs, just yesterday claiming that there will be a contested convention, dismissing Clinton victories as driven by black voters as products of the conservative Deep South, etc.

He is of course free to run his campaign as he sees fit, even if what he does hurts Hillary in the general election (no sane analysis can conclude anything except that she will be the Democratic candidate). And he can do this even if it pisses me off, of course. If he still had any realistic chance of victory, it would be different and I might even support him, but what he's doing now is just hurting the party and I don't get it.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Man, do you guys in Colorado run such sissy campaigns?!
"Hillary is unqualified…" First of all, he says she's qualified.
"Release the transcripts" of.. her $225k Wall Street speeches…
Oh the humanity!
She's lucky he didn't blast her on Benghazi, or the emails, or some of the scandals in Clinton I.
Or her finger-to-the-wind politics.
He has run a very clean campaign.
In fact, that was a front page cover story in Rolling Stone: What a remarkably noble campaign the Democrats have run.
So he's getting a little "angry" as the end is coming near.
As for "hurting" the party.
You mean that group of super delegates and phony Debbie Wasserman Shultzes who have been against him from Day ONE and have sought to anoint Queen Hillary before the race even began?
He owes THEM favors?
Bernie has run a very noble campaign. He "owes" nothing to the Democratic Machine, which is at least as corrupt as the Republican Machine.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

So he get's to have a crybaby fit now that he's lost and Hillary has millions of more votes than him?

I never said he ran a dirty campaign. I simply feel that he should shut-up about Hillary now that it is clearly over. Nothing complicated about that.

Either he is in serious denial about his chances or he is letting bitterness cloud his judgment. He is on record saying Hillary is much, much preferable to any Republican, so what is he doing now?! What's the point? He lost and he is not impressing anyone with how he is handling defeat. Oh I know, technically he isn't defeated yet, but he's down by 40 points with 2 minutes left and he's using unnecessary roughness.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Trmp leads Clinton by two points in the latest Rassmussen: ... li=BBnb7Kz

Bernie has been beating Trump handily in one on one match ups.

Maybe it is Hillary who should step aside, not Bernie….
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Here's today's forecasts for remaining primaries:
-Indiana Democratic primary: According to our latest polls-plus forecast, Hillary Clinton has a 91% chance of winning the Indiana primary.
-California Democratic primary: According to our latest polls-plus forecast, Hillary Clinton has a 91% chance of winning the California primary
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