President Trump

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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

He just..can't…stop…the…tweets.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JCNorthway »

Watching the transition team twists and turns the past couple of days, I was reminded of a classic line from a movie. Does anyone remember the 1972 movie "The Candidate" with Robert Redford? Thrust unexpectedly into a campaign for a Senate seat, he ends up winning. And just before going out to meet the press, he looks to his campaign manager and says, "Marvin ... What do we do now?"
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Re: President Trump

Post by Chateau Vin »

The bickering and infighting has started even before January. What a mess. He has no talents. He does not have any business skills. His company is run by lawyers, not by business acumen. He could not run his campaign without flipping the team several times. He could not run his transition team without flipping it. Wonder what it would be like once he gets the keys to the kingdom. He could not care less if people suffer...
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Re: President Trump

Post by Phil David »

'Couldn't care less', pretty please!
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

By the way, not bragging here, but this was an epic thread.
The quality of political commentary here was epic.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Chateau Vin »

Phil David wrote:'Couldn't care less', pretty please!
Yappadoo...Darn spellcheck stuff
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Re: President Trump

Post by Chateau Vin »

JimHow wrote:By the way, not bragging here, but this was an epic thread.
The quality of political commentary here was epic.
You Betcha...(Ring any bells?) Ha.. Haa...
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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

Hillary is speaking publicly right now, at a CDF awards ceremony.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Harry C. »

I was channel surfing and came upon Rachel Maddow show. She gave an interesting take to the Trump team shake up. When Gov McGreavy of NJ announced he was gay and resigned, his boyfriend at the time was given a private job out of the Government by a big Dem contributor-name escapes. The donor was later found to be up to illegal shenanigans and was prosecuted by the then Attorney General of NJ-Christie-rather visciously-like many leaks of trial info-all in the presumed goal to 'destroy' the donor. He won conviction and got the longest sentence allowed. Fast forward to today. The son of the donor married a prominent socialite-Ivanka Trump! Maddow postulated that the Christie purge and all that followed was payback by the son in law against Christie and his cronies. Interesting to say the least!
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Saw that. We live in interesting times.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

There is an old saying among the Libournaise, "Friends come and go, but Enemies accumulate". Christie has discovered that even in the armpit of America -- New Jersey -- they can understand that bit of French.

It's not surprising that it's now been revealed that his own daughter has married into a Democratic donor bloodline. I told everyone a long time ago that Trump was an opportunist. Nothing is sacred.


Twitter apparently is now purging people who abuse their accounts. So if people do not think the President is following the TOU for the internet they can now click on a new button "Report Abuse". Facebook too is realizing their role in as Trump's handmaidens.

Would that they would have had media responsibility in the GOP primaries when no one could stop all the lies he threw at Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and others.

I was also outraged to read that one of the few men of morality, Ted Cruz, has been summoned to meet with Trump, to discuss the role of Attorney General, and potential candidates, including himself. Of course if would be a dream within a dream if Cruz was AG, but what kind of Faustian bargain will be demanded in exchange? Will Trump want Bolton as Secretary of State, and Cruz to support that? Can those exhausted by war agree to that? Or will it be Rudy Giuliani in that role, which would be noxious to all love their freedoms, especially RKBA? I don't think he will be naive, but he will be tempted by all the Arts of the Deal on offer.

I can't wait for Twitter to take away Trump's account.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

A good video of Doctor McDreamy in my home town of Lewiston, Maine, in front of my law office on Lisbon Street:

Local boy from Trumpland dun good... ... ay/2031125
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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

I never watched Grey's Anatomy but I've seen Patrick racing Porsches professionally for a few years now.
He's probably a better actor than race car driver though.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I never watched it either but I guess he is quite the big deal.
I watched his death scene one time on YouTube.
People were actually having to get therapy after that episode.
The ABC clip is good, it gives you a little taste of the legendary Lisbon Street.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Saw the president on the TV screen at a local restaurant during lunch at a press conference in Berlin.

It reminded me of a visit to that city by another president, and of how far we have now fallen:
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Re: President Trump

Post by JCNorthway »

Jim, that was a real deja vu. I remember hearing some of that speech on the news when he gave it. It was only a few months before he was assassinated. Makes one wonder if or how the world and our country might be different had that not happened.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I represented a Somali today charged with Class A Robbery in the age of President Trump: ... ry/2033396
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Trump is a sociopathic con-man.

For his latest trick today, he called in a gaggle of top TV media moguls and on-air personalities and subjected them to a profanity-laden rant about how they are to cover him. The NY Times is on his agenda for tomorrow. If you were afraid of what HRC was going to do to the second amendment, you'll love what Trump wants to do to the first amendment.

Bannon is a white supremacist. Howard Dean had the balls to call him a Nazi in public. They're trying to scrub his image. Sickening.

Pence is medieval in his opinions about women's health. The Pope, who announced that all priests, not just bishops, could absolve women from the sin of abortion, is more liberal than Pence.

Sessions is a racist.

Ebell is a climate change denier.

And that's just the beginning.

We are in for a rough, rough ride.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

It sounds like Jim's newest client is yet another entry in: Drink is the Scourge of the Working Class. It's also a good point of why a .22 pistol isn't really much of a defensive tool.


DG: I think there is a movement afoot to smite Trump by denying him Twitter. Supposedly there is a 'report abuse' button or something on the Twitter machine, so one can tune into his channel and report that he is abusing it, and then will perhaps put him in the penalty box. I don't subscribe so don't have personal knowledge of how it works but I like the concept. (I take away my kids Kindles and iPads too when they are not following house rules)

Best news I heard today in the Shameless Imitation Ledger - some political party in the Netherlands has decided to plagiarize Trump's website and campaign slogan in their bid for electoral relevance. So they have started saying "Make the Netherlands Great, Again". I guess they don't have anyone snarky asking when exactly they were great to begin with. Perhaps with luck, Trump's logo hat purveyors will sue them, demanding licensing fees or something.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

For those of you old enough….

Where were you, 53 years ago today, at 12:30pm central time….

I was in kindergarten, sitting next to my lifelong friend Tony Ferguson (who some of you met along with his wife Jennifer at France '15), sitting in a kindergarten classroom. There was a knock on the door. Mrs. Harvey, our teacher, went out into the hallway. She came back moments later, crying. The janitor had told her that President Kennedy had been shot in the head….

I remember the walk home from school, I was too young to truly absorb it all, but I remember the sense of trauma in the air.
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Re: President Trump

Post by stefan »

I was playing basketball at Rice University when someone came in and announced that Kennedy have been shot. We were all stunned and immediately went to our dorms to follow the happenings on TV. I did not have such an empty feeling again until 9/11.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JCNorthway »

I was just sitting down in my 9th grade Latin class when another classmate came in and said that Kennedy had been shot. The teacher went the entire class without any sense that something had happened (apparently not aware herself). I did not find out until after the class that he had died.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Second grade in Mrs. Grissom's class at Louis Pasteur elementary school in Detroit. There was an announcement over the school PA. Mrs. Grissom had tears in her eyes as she sent us home. Walked home kind of in shock. "Sense of trauma" and "empty feeling" are great descriptors for what I remember feeling. Mother was crying. Watching subsequent events unfold on TV over the next days made me suddenly aware of the immensity and reality of the world for the first time.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »


Can you say beyond a reasonable doubt that the votes in MI, WI, and PA were not hacked by the Russians?
If I were arguing this in a criminal trial, I believe I could raise a doubt.

There are legitimate experts who are screaming that this election was hacked.
Is that so impossible? I say no.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

There is certainly evidence of Russian attempts to hack the final vote tallies. Though I've not heard that there is evidence that it was successful. And there Is also evidence of miscounting invalid ballots for Trump in a few counties.

The question at this point is whether Clinton and the Ds will let loose the dogs of war. I have no doubt that the Rs would if the shoe was on the other foot. But the Ds have a history of going quietly into that dark night .

As painful as it is to contemplate further prolongation of the election process, it is less painful than contemplating the effects of a Trump presidency.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

This may be where Jill Stein steps in.
She's ready to go, she wants a recount, she just needs $2 million.
Will be interesting to watch what unfolds.
Normally I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
But it seemed pretty weird to me on election night that Clinton won CO and NM so quickly, consistent with pre-election polls, but strange results seemed to come forward in WI, MI, PA, FL, and NC, very aberrations from the polls.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

Considering that a single county in these states has enough swing to change the final outcome, it seems like a very good possibility that some sort of shenanigans occurred.
Trump even signaled such by crying about how it was rigged by the other side long before the votes were cast. His entire campaign was based on the childish defense of "I'm rubber, you're glue".
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Yes Chris, I've long felt that the louder Trump complained about the other side doing something wrong, the more likely that the Trump team was doing it.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Hillary led in every single poll of Wisconsin taken after the conventions, yet lost the state. According to Nate Cohn, that has only happened once before in any state level result for all presidential elections in US history. Amazing or fishy depending on one's point of view.

Trumps lead is so tiny in WI and MI right now, those state have a reasonable shot of being over turned in a recount. Pennsylvania is the wild card as Trump's lead is bigger and apparently it's deadline has already passed to call for a recount.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

We know the Russians were involved in hacking.
We know that a group of computer experts were able to hack a state wide electoral system as an experiment in the recent past.
So we know it can be done.
We know that the results in WI, MI, and PA, in particular, as well as FL and NC, were odd.
We know that dudes like Roger Stone were floating around in the background.
Anyone who knows my views on the Kennedy assassination knows I'm no conspiracy theorist.
But tell me it was impossible that something nefarious occurred….
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

I am sure that if the Russians (and several other parties) were able to hack the election, they almost certainly would do it. Hillary's campaign spent hundreds of millions of dollars in 6 months or so, why not spend 2 million now to certify WI and MI? If the count of the paper ballots adequately matches the current tallies, they you let it go. But if it reveals anything untoward, then the whole election would be called into question and the courts could require a recount in PA too (and with the Supreme Court tied right now, they couldn't gift wrap it for the Republicans again).
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Meantime, Hillary up over two million in the popular votes.
I try to explain this to my friends in China and this is like incomprehensible to them.
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Re: President Trump

Post by jal »

Pennsylvania's deadline is Monday
Soros could write a check for $7mm :-)
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Re: President Trump

Post by jal »

JimHow wrote:Meantime, Hillary up over two million in the popular votes.
I try to explain this to my friends in China and this is like incomprehensible to them.
Either we have an electoral college or we don't, Trump won that (barring any hacking) and that makes him the president whether I like it or not. For me that's a moot point.

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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

And that popular vote margin is effectively California, the rest of the US, she lost the popular vote in aggregate. That's a problem too - how would Dems feel if the situation was reversed with an electoral victory but a loss of the popular vote, driven by one state like Texas? I think those situations would just as difficult to govern; it would be like something out of the Hunger Games - the Capital and the districts.


I saw that Trump has already broken his promise not to investigate HRC. Perhaps that was the bargain for not demanding recounts?

Also there in the transcript of PE-Trump interview with the NYT, he is praising the newspaper, calling it a great paper, a real gem, or something.

His supporters must be furious this morning that not only is there not going to be any "Lock her Up" xmas present, but that he's now cozying up to (in his supporters minds) the enemy propaganda machine.

Btw, some great stories in both NYT and Bloomberg on how the NRA spent early, often, and targeted when even the Trump campaign has nothing going on in focus states like PA, NC, WI, MI etc. They apparently dropped 30mm on that in what looked like (at the time) a total Last Stand at Dunkirk.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

I am willing to accept the outcome based on the electoral college, IF there was no fraud.

Even so, the popular vote DOES have meaning. It means Trump has the support of less than half of the Americans who bothered to vote. He has no mandate and deserves no special treatment as if he is some genius messiah.

To those who point out that the popular vote difference would disappear without California, I say that is an irrelevant argument on every level other than the EC's role in electing the President. Let me remind you that California is part of the US, and California citizens deserve the same rights as the citizens of any other state. Discounting California for the popular vote is as logical as discounting Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania for the EC vote.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Racer Chris »

DavidG wrote:I am willing to accept the outcome based on the electoral college, IF there was no fraud.

Even so, the popular vote DOES have meaning. It means Trump has the support of less than half of the Americans who bothered to vote. He has no mandate and deserves no special treatment as if he is some genius messiah.

To those who point out that the popular vote difference would disappear without California, I say that is an irrelevant argument on every level other than the EC's role in electing the President. Let me remind you that California is part of the US, and California citizens deserve the same rights as the citizens of any other state. Discounting California for the popular vote is as logical as discounting Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania for the EC vote.
Likewise Trump's contention that he would have won the popular vote if that was what it took to win the election.
The Clinton campaign would have focused their energy differently too, making the statement moot.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

DavidG wrote:I am willing to accept the outcome based on the electoral college, IF there was no fraud.

Even so, the popular vote DOES have meaning. It means Trump has the support of less than half of the Americans who bothered to vote. He has no mandate and deserves no special treatment as if he is some genius messiah.

To those who point out that the popular vote difference would disappear without California, I say that is an irrelevant argument on every level other than the EC's role in electing the President. Let me remind you that California is part of the US, and California citizens deserve the same rights as the citizens of any other state. Discounting California for the popular vote is as logical as discounting Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania for the EC vote.
Well I would observe that if a person was elected solely by popular vote, and got to apply policies to the entire landmass, when maybe 5% of the land represented them that would create its own set of distortions.

Anyways these are all good arguments for local governance, and California has a lot of it. Life here is quite a bit different than other parts of the US I have lived in.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

Clinton wasted her time running up the vote, and collecting campaign cash with fundraising in CA and NY events. It's not like the rules of the game suddenly changed, the goal posts moved or something. All that massive money spent didn't seem to have much of an effect anyways, even on the down ballot ticket. If there are rocks to be thrown, that ought to be target number one for the left. I think the voter fraud meme is some way of deflecting responsibility for campaign strategy. It's easier to say the other team cheated, rather than admit that a plan was flawed. All these places where fraud is being muttered about were places she was supposed to win by 10 pts. e.g. WI didn't get any efforts at all after rebellious Bernie was silenced. And even some of the states she won, were close, and should not have been. Minnesota by 40k votes? The one state that voted for Walter Mondale? that shouldn't even be anywhere near that number MN should be the Democrats version of Utah.


Anyways, I'm sure they won't make the same mistake again, and it'll only be 4 years of DJT. He'll sort of be a right side of the aisle version of Jimmy Carter. Maybe he'll break the rules and Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell can impeach him. Oh what joy that will be to watch.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Arv, the Senate is where states get equal representation regardless of population, giving less populous states disproportional power as a protection against being steamrollered by heavily populated areas with inherently different needs and priorities.

The EC also helps the less populous states wield disproportionate power in choosing the President.

I would argue that the Senate offers adequate protection, while the EC goes too far in creating distortion.

That said, it is the system we currently have and we need to play by the rules we currently have. Or change them if we don't like them. But not mid-game. I seriously doubt we'll see an end to the EC in any case. Why would large numbers of sparsely populated states want to diminish their influence?
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