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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I love how the New York Times and the party elites are telling Bernie how to run his campaign.
Here's a guy who came in at about 1% support at the outset and has clearly struck a major chord.
Candidates owe nothing to nobody but their own supporters.
The NYT ran a story a few weeks back about how Bernie may have erred strategically by not going after Hillary harder in the early days of the race.
I guarantee to you, the last gasps of Bernie in May are going to be like dust in the wind compared to the Category 5 hurricane coming in November from the Trumpster.
And by the way… What IS taking the FBI so long to complete their email investigation?
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Bernie's acting like a sore loser. Even moreso his surrogates, but i don't know how much of that to attribute to him.

Bernie never was a Democrat so I'm not really surprised that he's not supporting the party. He never has, financially or politically. He was/is delusional to think the party establishment would give him any serious consideration, super delegates or otherwise. Though he did get campaign money from the DNC and stole some of Hillary's data from them*, so I suppose it was a net plus for the Bern, and a net minus for the party.

*Making him as or more dirty than any of the manufactured/TRUMPED up blame that has been and will be tossed on HRC makes her look to me. Of course others will see this differently.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Antoine »

Just think about the world if next year we have /have had:
- Trump US president
- UK vote Brexit
- France vote Le Pen or Sarko as president
then add
- Erdogan for Pope
- Putin Chief of the IMF for good measure...

The World would be in good hands!
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

It'll be interesting to see how much of that comes to fruition, Antoine.
I'll bet that some of it does.
I'm not so convinced that Hillary is electable.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Chris Matthews just said that Bernie made a mistake in not going after Hillary on the email issue.
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

You may be right, Jim. There is sooooo much stuff the Republicans have stockpiled against her.

The email server is a non-issue in terms of reality as far as I'm concerned, but I'm certain it will be used to great effect against her in the general election.

If Bernie had gone after Hilary on the email issue, he would have been a contender earlier on, and the spotlight would have shone brighter on his phony Democratic socialistic agenda. He still would have gone nowhere. He never had a chance. Even his hometown newspaper has told him to get out before doing more damage.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

The email server is a non-issue in terms of reality as far as I'm concerned, but I'm certain it will be used to great effect against her in the general election.
I agree with everything you say here.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Comte Flaneur »

stefan wrote:>>
The Cruz-Kasich alliance seems to have backfired spectacularly because it reeks of the establishment closing ranks.

Except that Cruz is as anti-establishment as they come.

Usually in a presidential campaign if you take the union of the good points of the leading candidates you have an outstanding presidential prospect. This year if you union all the good points you still end up with a lousy person for president.
I thought the alliance was to stop The Donald - I can't believe it had nothing to do with the GOP establishment even though according to John Boehner 'Lyin Ted' is 'Lucifer in the Flesh' and a 'miserable son of a bitch' - some endorsement.

Getting back to 'Crooked Hillary' between 2013 and 2015 she made $21.6m in public speaking engagements at an average of more than $225k a pop, and about a quarter of those were to Wall Street banks notable the Vampire Squid.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JScott »

I'm with Jim on this one. Bernie hasn't been as rough on the establishment or Hillary as Trump has been on his counterparts. Is he supposed to seriously run for the office by praising his opponent's every move? I think the criticism is not out of bounds for modern politics, and if the establishments on either side wanted to keep their frontrunners untarnished they should have given at least a modicum of deference to the other candidates, which did not and has not happened on either side. The only reason it's an issue is that there is truth to what they are saying.

I part ways on the email issue. If you think it's a non-starter, you're not paying attention. I'm not saying she's going down over it, but there's definitely some smoke there. This ties into the Clinton Foundation issues. Look into the Russian uranium sale, among other things. She has covered her tracks well enough to escape, but there is some pretty incriminating circumstantial there, which matters in an election. That issue aside, she has a lot of other baggage, too, and is going to have to navigate some rough sledding. She is not remotely as adept at that as Bill. Her saving grace is her likely opponent.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

If you don't see the conspiracy you're not looking hard enough. Does that about sum it up?
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Monday May 2nd - 2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination - CNN/ORC - Clinton 51, Sanders 43 - Clinton +8

*P.S. I don't take Rasmussen polls very seriously, and neither do the professional poll watchers. Rasmussen has a "convenient" and well documented track record of outlier polling (that arguably benefits their conservative ownership) until just before the election, when their polls suddenly look like most everyone else's. The "house effects" with this operation are particularly strong.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Comte Flaneur wrote:Getting back to 'Crooked Hillary' between 2013 and 2015 she made $21.6m in public speaking engagements at an average of more than $225k a pop, and about a quarter of those were to Wall Street banks notable the Vampire Squid.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing, Ian?
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Clinton versus Trump. Hold onto your seats.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JScott »

AlohaArtakaHoundsong wrote:If you don't see the conspiracy you're not looking hard enough. Does that about sum it up?
Right. The FBI has a year long conspiracy against the Clintons. Is the FBI part of the vast right wing that is responsible for every pile she steps in? I gag when she does her "what do you mean wipe, like with a cloth?" routine. Sorry, whatever else she is, she isn't that stupid. And this ain't a conspiracy; this was completely and utterly, willfully self-inflicted. The conspiracy claims are wearing thin after thirty years.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Sorry, you mistake me. I thought it was the Clintons and their friends who were conspiring to do something. But I'm the least politically savvy of this troupe for sure. Please bear with me. Are you telling me that people think the FBI and the right are conspiring against her?
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Re: President Trump

Post by JScott »

Aloha, maybe I did misread you. I thought you were saying that you thought the investigation was a conspiracy. Apologies. Yes, there are those in her camp, including Bill of course, who are painting this all as a witch hunt. She has clearly violated existing statutes (see above). The question is whether motive can be established sufficiently for prosecution. (As it happens, motive is not legally necessary here but it is probably politically necessary.) I don't believe that will happen. The point I was making earlier is that there are reams of details here that look very bad whether she is prosecuted or not. The details have not been discussed in the mainstream to a great extent yet but likely will be in the coming months. Right now you have to dig a little to see it and that it what I was referring to.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I mean, she can't even put Bernie away in Indiana. By now, this late in the campaign, with her nomination assured by the good old boy Debbie Wassermann Schultz super delegate hacks, she should be winning on inertia alone, just like The Donald on the other side. I think this lady has major electability issues.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I like this liberal guy on CNN. "Get the sandbags ready, my fellow Democrats," he said. "A wave is coming…."
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Trump says that Cruz's father was in on the Kennedy assassination, and he goes on to win by 20 points. My head is going to explode.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Cruz is dropping out.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

Well, Jim, if you could prove that Cruz's father wasn't in on the Kennedy assassination you would make a good point.
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Re: President Trump

Post by AlohaArtakaHoundsong »

There, see, it must be true, why else would Cruz drop out unless his father was in on the Kennedy assassination. By the way, which one?
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I'm so old I actually remember Bobby Kennedy's 1968 California campaign, and his pledge to take it "on to Chicago."
We are still a month away from the California primary.
I think Cruz should have slept on it….
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Re: President Trump

Post by stefan »

Scott, whom do you favor among this awful collection of candidates?
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Re: President Trump

Post by JScott »

Wow! Is Trump going to be challenged in Cleveland or is it over? And did I see The Donald say this week he'd consider Cruz for the high court??
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Re: President Trump

Post by JScott »

Stefan, honestly, for the first time in my life, I'm debating whether I will vote. My sister in law is telling me I'm a coward and I have to choose. I don't know if I can. Who are you backing at his point?
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Well, Jim, if you could prove that Cruz's father wasn't in on the Kennedy assassination you would make a good point.
LOL. I've been scaring myself how expert I've become on the Kennedy assassination. (I'm a single bullet theorist, by the way. ) I say, beyond a reasonable doubt: Ted Cruz's father was NOT in on the John Kennedy murder. As for the ridiculous (I mean, what the fuck were they (Rosie et al) thinking?) Bobby Kennedy killing, I can't speak with any authority….
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

TV advertising sales people up and down California are really bumming tonight.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

Sanders just declared the winner of the IN primary, as Donald Trump walks in for his victory speech. What a historic night!
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Re: President Trump

Post by stefan »

Scott, I am backing no one. After the last sixteen years, we are sorely in need of a president who is not administratively incompetent. I'll go with the criminal with the slime ball husband over the the guv who has no chance anyway. He is too right wing for my taste, but, if he became president, I would not be upset. The other three are administratively incompetent IMO.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »

I think Stefan just said he's voting for the wife of Bill Clinton.
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Re: President Trump

Post by JimHow »


Is Hillary Clinton (the "assumed nominee" <rolls eyes>) going to win another primary this year?


the so-called experts <rolls eyes> at had Hillary at a 90% likelihood of winning Indiana…. ... emocratic/



Geez I guess Bernie should drop out… Hey that's what the New York Times editorial board and Debbie Wassermann say anyway...
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Re: President Trump

Post by DavidG »

Right now it looks like Clinton is limping towards the finish line but still overwhelmingly likely to be the nominee. The lack of momentum would be another hurdle, on top of all the stuff that Trump will be able to throw at her in the general. She needs a convincing win in California, if only for the sake of momentum. But CA has a closed primary wher IN's was open, so she may well have a strong showing there. Unless CA has late deadlines to register, which would let late to the game Sandernistas register as Dems.

Of course Trump also has a mountain of negatives that could be used against him. This promises to be one of the slimiest campaigns in recent memory.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Blanquito »

Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States. It won't be a pretty journey but in the end Sanders will endorse her and many an American will vote for her knowing that this is (as usual) an imperfect choice between two imperfect candidates. Either Hillary or Trump will be the next president, that is all that matters in the voting booth, and far more voters will chose her in the end. May she govern and lead us well.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Antoine »

Well, not sure... It now looks like Trump will get it and will actually beat Hillary (who ever thought a woman could be elected?...).
Then, the Brexit vote will probably be decided on how the English football team performs at the Euro championship in June. Edge your bets!

Ref US I cannot see what could change the dynamics and get back Hillary on track while Sanders does not have a chance... and it is now clear that Republicans will have no choice but rally around Trump (except for a few Washington grandees)

Then Erdogan as Pope and Putin boss of IMF... could be closer than you think...
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Re: President Trump

Post by JScott »

I can't begin to handicap the race from here. As with the whole primary season so far, there are still so many unknown variables I can see it going almost any direction, including third party (the longest shot, admittedly). I keep waiting for Trump to go a bridge too far and implode, but in my opinion this has already happened multiple times, yet he's the Energizer bunny and seems to get paradoxically stronger from it. I now think it isn't going to happen. He has a sneaky base that is wider than the pundits know or want to admit. He also has deep, visceral negatives. Hillary is a woeful campaigner frankly. She has very suspect instinct on her feet, has trouble at times controlling her temper and a tendency to get testy and snarky, lacks warmth or connection and has more baggage than Samsonite. Maher made a comment a month or two back about how she was thrown this total softball of a primary season running against a cranky old socialist and here she is still throwing millions and her focus at this trying to put him away. I still think at this point she's the odds on favorite, but I wouldn't want to take bets on it. Is there a third viable possibility out there?
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Re: President Trump

Post by Antoine »

All to do with Trump. It is clear that in the coming 6 months, Republicans will rally around their candidate whether they like him or not convincing themselves that he will tone down and they will have some control with the House and Senate. He will keep the populist vote. That's a 55-45 minimum result to Trump, no contest.
As for Hillary, the criticism is some attempt to rationalise emotional dislike. She is not great but no worse than any other candidate and would not get half the criticism if she was a man. Sure she supports Wall street but not more than all previous and future presidents.
Roosevelt saved the world when he took the difficult decisions to get out of the crisis (take on the powerful), this time, there is nobody and we'll get the consequences. Still, some big uncertainty about what a Trump presidency will be. Sure a lot of ego display...but what decisions?

The thing that could screw that scenario is the Hispanic vote.
Bernie? No idea, very unlikely but would be interesting as they would have to share the populist vote... On the other hand, would he get the Black and Hispanic votes?
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Re: President Trump

Post by jal »

I think this is the funniest most ridiculous electoral campaign I can remember. It is even better when seen through the eyes of Andy Borowitz, some of his reports are absolutely hilarious:

Like this one from April:

Clinton Campaign Accuses Sanders of Trying to Win Nomination:

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—The war of words between the two Democratic camps heated up over the weekend, as the Clinton campaign accused Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders of “blatantly attempting to win the Democratic nomination for President.”

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the Clinton campaign spokesman Harland Dorrinson said that Sanders’s actions in the past few weeks “left little doubt as to what his true intentions are—namely, to be the Party’s nominee.”

“He’s been raising money, he’s been running in primaries, and, yes, he’s been winning caucuses,” the Clinton aide said. “It’s time for Bernie Sanders to come clean with the American people and admit what he’s really up to.”

“It’s deeply troubling that what appeared at first to be a purely symbolic candidacy has turned into something else entirely,” he said.

In an interview on CNN, Secretary Clinton said that she would not “take the bait” when she was asked whether she thought Sanders was trying to win the nomination, but she stopped short of disavowing the accusation.

“I think that’s a question that only Senator Sanders can answer,” she said. “But I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that if, at the end of the day, it turns out that Bernie Sanders has been doing everything he’s been doing because he wants to be President, that would be very disappointing.”

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Re: President Trump

Post by AKR »

Tangentially related but totally awesome: I saw the NYT had an overview of New York legislature and their troubles with The Law.

Apparently 9 members of the legislature are currently incarcerated, and another 9 are part of that alumni association.

They had some interviews with them too. One of the best ones was where this one Bronx assemblywoman peevishly noted that her crimes happened before she was elected. (She would go on to wear a wire and get another 7 politicians indicted though, which I can't tell if its redemptive, or just sad)

And both candidates are coming from the toxic NY political culture.
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